Farm raised salmon


Hi everyone

Since this whole madness about the elevated level of PCB in farm raised salmon I reduced my salmon intake a lot. I used to eat it a lot, practically every day. I do miss it so much! Other fish just don't do it for me...
How are you guys coping with the salmon problem?
I hear ya!! I miss my baked salmon. Does anyone have a RELIABLE website that goes into detail about this? I would like to know if canned salmon (at least I could get my fix of salmon cakes) is any better. Also, the salmon at our grocery store usually reads either Atlantic or Pacific Salmon. Are these farm raised? The people at the seafood counter are not very informed on this issue. You're right. Other fish just aren't the same.

I'm avoiding farm raised salmon & buying $$$ wild salmon. So eating a lot less salmon & exploring other cold water seafood.

Here's a useful link: for the Monterey Ca aquarium's consumer information. Good info to have on hand next time you're going to the seafood market.

The current issue of "Eating Well" has an article in the current issue (Spring 2004) which I have not read. A downloadable seafood guide is at The editor give aqua farmers credit for making improvements in farming techniques and give thumbs up to farmed salmon. So there are other views.

I really like salmon. So versatile.

I'm continuing to eat Salmon three days a week or so. Am I going to grow a third eyeball or something?
I have heard that farm raised salmon have bad manners and a penchant for cheap beer and chewing tobacco. But again, this is just hearsay.
>I have heard that farm raised salmon have bad manners and a
>penchant for cheap beer and chewing tobacco. But again, this
>is just hearsay.

And what is wrong with that? LMAO~
RE: Hey Jilly!

I used to eat salmon 3 times a week but I am very concerned about the potential damage it can cause. I get my wild salmon at Trader Joe's. It is frozen and costs $5.49 a lb. It is DE-LISH!
As far as canned salmon goes, thie following information is from Superfoods RX by Steven Pratt, MD. He recommends eating wild salmon in either canned, fresh or frozen form. Sources to get this are listed in the back of the book. On the list for salmon: "Bumble Bee Alaska Pink Salmon, Bumble Bee Alaska Sockeye red Salmon, Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon (traditional includes the skin and bones-the healthiest way to eat salmon, as the content of omega-3 fats and calcium is higher than in the skin-and-bone-removed canned salmon), Libby's Red Salmon-packed from fresh AlaskanSockeye, Trader Joe's Alaska Pink Salmon, Trader Joe's Red salmon. All canned salmon is Alaska wild salmon. We recommend that you avoid Atlantic Salmon, as it is farmraised."


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