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    Frontline Plus for Dogs Questions

    Wendy, I buy Advantix for my cat online ( I think. Anyway, I had concerns also, so I called advantix and they had me read the number off the box and confirmed that it was indeed their product. I have had no problems for three years now. I think Vets will always be against you...
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    offending people, what they think of you, etc...(long)

    RE: offending people, what they think of you, etc...(lo... Gayle, I mostly lurk here too, but couldn't believe how unfairly you were treated! If you don't attend school, you don't play in the game, period. And that is a rule here in my town (everywhere else, last I heard). So your question was...
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    Lost *spoiler*

    I think it's Charlie on the boat, if you go back and rewatch this weeks previews, they show Desmond talking to someone, and if you pause it it really looks like Charlie. Unless it's going to be Desmond seeing things.. it's Charlie
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    LOST fans - a theory (to end all theories???)

    You know what, this is the best theory I've heard yet... Really something to think about... Good job!! Carolyn
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    LOST last night.

    Hi, I read that season 4 isn't going to start until Jan.08!! That is way too long to wait! Carolyn
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    Embarrassing: Burping during Drill Max

    charlotte, Ha, ha ha, I did Cardio Fusion this morning and on one of the Drill Max drills (can't remember which one) I swore I heard the same thing!! I started cracking up, assuming it was just something in the music, v. funny to hear someone else thought the same thing! Carolyn
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    My package says it was delivered and it's not here!!....

    michelle, The same thing happened to me yesterday! It said package was delivered. I had no package, I walked all around my house, looked everywhere. I called UPS and they said it was delivered in my garage. The UPS guy came in a side door and left it on a work bench!!! I was really torn between...
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    Question for the Canadians....

    Marie, My husband just traveled to Halifax last week on business. He needed his DL and Birth Cert. They told him in advance that he would need either a passport or Birth Cert. along with his DL. They did ask for it at the border. I guess their getting tougher now.... Probably a good thing. Hope...
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    who are you favorite tv characters of all time

    Hi Everyone! Chandler-Friends Carrie-Sex in the City Larry David-Curb Jack-Will$Grace George-Seinfeld ~Carolyn~
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    Moment of Truth Check-In 8/30

    Hi Everyone, I did terrible this weekend. I ate and ate and ate! We had a wake/funeral to attent out of state for my DH boss. So it was driving all weekend and eating and not working out. Today is the first day back to normal, and I don't feel like eating clean, I forced myself to workout, step...
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    KOSUSA Tech Pants...

    Hi Dallas! Dallasandra, I love that name. No it's not my name, and I'm not from Dallas,TX. It's my dogs name! Well, my late dog actually (she passed away last year). I read a book, years ago, and the main characters name was Dallas, and it always stuck with me. And I always pick a user name I...
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    Decorating Style

    Robin, Faux painting was surprisingly easy, really! I colorwashed my bathroom, and have used the Ralph Lauren faux suede in my computer room. I was very nervous about doing it but got great results. You'll find alot of instruction at Home Depot. On the weekends they even offer classes. The...
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    KOSUSA Tech Pants...

    Sara, I got 3074, in black, and I love them! Sabrina I have a question since you have both styles, did you find the 3372's sizing the same as 3074s? I just went and looked at the picture for 3372 and think I like them better then 3074 and want to order, but am scared about the sizing, also did...
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    Moment of Truth 08/26

    Hi Everyone! Just thought I would pop back in and see what's going on. I did not eat very clean at dinner tonight.... All thoughts of my measurements went right out the window, Yikes, I'm going to have to work on that. Nancy, you made me laugh so hard with that line about making everyone...
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    Decorating Style

    I love hearing about everyones style, good topic choice Charlotte. Marla your place sounds beautiful! I did my computer room in a faux suede, and I love love love it! Best painting results I have ever had! ~Carolyn~
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    Moment of Truth 08/26

    Hi Everyone, Yesterday was such a crazy day I never got a chance to check in. It's TTOM for me and it's taking alot of work to eat clean. But doing pretty well. Today was Cardio and weights, pretty fun! Lori and Sherry think of this check in when tempted this weekend! We'll ask you how...
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    Moment of Truth 8/24

    Hey Wendy, and Shannon, Thanks for the fitday info. That does sound perfect for watching what you eat. I get tons of good nutrition advice on this site, but honestly, I'm still really confused, you know when they say you should get 30% of this and 40%off that, well forget it, I wish I had the...
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    March of the Penguins

    I saw this movie also. I agree, very cute and intersting. I brought my 13yr.old son, and have to say he got a little bit bored towards the middle-end. Just something to keep in mind if you bring kids. ~Carolyn~
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    Moment of Truth 8/24

    Hi Everyone! Eating has been pretty good, I had to resist another dessert last night. DH brought home Tiramisu, another favorite of mine! I was soo mad at him... I had one bite, and watched him eat the rest. I think he is testing my will power...Just finished Bodymax, I usually don't mind...
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    Moment of Truth Check-In 8/23

    Hey Again! Well, Imax 2 is out of the way (thank god)! I haven't done that one in at least three weeks, and I just payed the price. #9 just about finished me. Lori, let me tell ya, IT TOTALLY CATCHES UP WITH YOU, hahahah. I'm 37, and for years I got away with eating pretty much what I wanted...