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  1. O

    Getting lean

    Yeah there are alot of variables to the equation which makes it hard. Everyone's metabolism is different based on genetics, age, weight, muscle mass, activity level, and the list goes on and on. So if your diet and exercise levels aren't doing much try tweeking them a little (like 100-200...
  2. O

    help which tape to purchase

    One thing that often helps people when they hit a plateau is to vary your routine some since your body and muscles will adapt if you always do the same routine. Maybe try a kickboxing cardio workout, instead of step, or even running. Look for something that's different and new but looks like...
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    Achilles Tendonosis?

    Hi! I know I'm not Cathe but I have a background in sports medicine and thought maybe I could give you some ideas. If you're concerned about cardio and are a member of a gym, see if they have an upper body erg or a hand bike. They can give you a good cardio workout while also challenging your...
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    Getting lean

    One problem you may be encountering is you may be eating too little calories. For most people, at about 1000-1300 calories/day the body actually starts going into a "starvation mode" and shutting down some of its functions which actually lowers your metabolism since your body is trying to...