Search results

  1. M

    barbell weights used in videos

    Hi Cathe, When you specify the barbell weight you are using in your videos does that include the weight of the bar, or is it just the weight of the plates that you mention? Thanks MK
  2. M

    feedback on P90X, fluidity, Tae Bo amped

    Hi Everyone. I don't post very often, but would appreciate some input. I am thinking of purchasing something new to change things up a bit and shock my body into breaking through a plateau. I would love some feedback on the following programs; P90X, Fluidity, and Tae Bo amped (or other Tae...
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    Squeeze - first impression

    What is CC and Treads? I don't often have a chance to check on the forums so don't know always what the abbreviations mean. THanks MK
  4. M

    fitness degree

    One more question Liz. How do you get your ACE certification? Thanks MK
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    fitness degree

    Liz I went to the website to look at Les Mills. It looks awesome. I really want to get into the fitness industry but don't know where to begin. How do you become a certified body pump, body combat, etc instructor? Do you need an exercise physiology degree to do so? What are some other...
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    fitness degree

    Cathe, I was wondering what type, if any degree you have. I am very interested in becoming part of the fitness industry but am not sure where to start. What type of schooling, degree do I need? Is there a website that has good information on it that I can go to? Also, how do you become ACE...
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    KPC and weighted gloves??

    Does anyone know where to get weighted gloves? or any kickboxing gloves for that matter? I have been using my weight training gloves, for lack of anything better, but would love weighted gloves or anything else. Thanks MK
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    Early B-day Present P90X

    So, for those of you who have done P90X how does it compare to Cathy's Hard Core Series? Is it more or less challenging/advanced? What website can I go to to research the program? Do you think it was worth your time and moneY? thanks MK
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    Early B-day Present P90X

    What is P90X? Thanks MK
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    anyone from wisconsin

    Anyone Catheites out there from Wisconsin??? MK
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    Thanks Cathe. It is always exciting to get a reply from YOU!!! Take care MK
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    Does anyone use supplements? If so what? Do they work? Do you think Cathe uses supplements to get cut the way she is? Thanks MK
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    Cathy, Do you use or recommend using supplements to enhance the results from training with your dvd's, the hard core series in particular. What type of supplements would you recommend? Thanks MK
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    what is eating clean?

    Dumb question. But, could someone actually define for me what eating clean means? What would a days example of food be for someone who is eating clean? THanks MK
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    the last 6 pounds

    Thanks all of you for the moral support. It has been really difficult. My emotions are so up and down lately. I appreciate your support and advice MK
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    eating before a workout

    I workout at 5:30am. Should I be eating before my workout? and what? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I don't want to cancel out my workout by doing the wrong thing. Thanks MK
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    the last 6 pounds

    I was recently pregnant and miscarried. During the 12 weeks of my pregnancy I gained 7-8 pounds. I am normally a lean 5'3" 109-112 and went up to 114-117. Since I lost the baby a month ago i just can't lose that stubborn fat. I am working out 1.5-2 hours a day, 6 days a week, using the hard...
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    pregnancy workout

    HI Cathe, ( and educated crowd) I am pregnant with my fifth child. I am an advanced home exerciser. I want to maintain my fitness level and my muslce tone during this pregnancy. I have been considering using exercise bands, instead of weights, because i thought they might be safer. What do you...
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    pregnancy workout

    HI Cathe, I am pregnant with my fifth child. I am an advanced home exerciser. I want to maintain my fitness level and my muslce tone during this pregnancy. I have been considering using exercise bands, instead of weights, because i thought they might be safer. What do you think?? Also, what...
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    clean eating

    There is a lot of talk about clean eating. i think i have a sense of what it is, but could someone explain it to me in detail? All you in the educated crowd who eat clean, do you ever cheat? Especially with ice cream and chocolate??? Thanks