the last 6 pounds


Active Member
I was recently pregnant and miscarried. During the 12 weeks of my pregnancy I gained 7-8 pounds. I am normally a lean 5'3" 109-112 and went up to 114-117. Since I lost the baby a month ago i just can't lose that stubborn fat. I am working out 1.5-2 hours a day, 6 days a week, using the hard core series mostly. I have started taking thermogain and have gaine some muscle, however i still have those same layers of fat, including little love handles. how do i get rid of it and break through this plateau?
MK, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss! My heart and prayers go out to you! I cannot say I know how your feeling, something that cannot be described, I am sure. However, we are all here for you!

As for your stubborn layer, I think it will just take your body and hormones time to figure out that you are not pregnant and therfore there is no longer a need to store extra fat. One month is not that long ago, it's one menstrual cycle so it may take another month or so for your body and hormones to go back into "conception" mode. Right now, your body may still be acting like it is pregnant.

Now, this is just my opinion. My guess is, once you get a regular period, your body will start acting normal and the extra pounds will come off right away. Give it time!

Again, I am so sorry! Huge hug sweetie!:*
MK, I'm so, so sorry. I also had a miscarriage a couple of years ago, at 11 weeks, and I had already gained about 6 lbs. It took a long time for the weight to come off, even though I really upped my exercise. I think it is a matter of hormones. I know I was so anxious to get back to normal, as if I was never pregnant, maybe as a way of avoiding the grief I was feeling (the pregnancy was a surprise, but one I got used to and welcomed!) Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, be patient with yourself and give your body time to get back to its normal state. My warmest, healing thoughts are with you...

Thanks all of you for the moral support. It has been really difficult. My emotions are so up and down lately. I appreciate your support and advice

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