Early B-day Present P90X


I have been working with the GS,HC IS,BB but I have been looking into P90x since last year, but I bought the HC series instead. But I was still curious and didn't stop talking about it, so my BF order me an early B-day present. My b-day is on May 29th, I have been pre-viewing it, it seems challenging, but Tony has a kind of dry personality and the music, is not fun. The workouts look tough, but not fun like Cathe's. Now, I have to figure out how to install a pull up bar or modified with the bands. I can returned it, but it is a gift. After all I have been doing the P90X rotations with the GS. What to do? What are your thoughts?
Tomorrow will be my last day of the 90 day program of P90X Lean Rotation. I can't say enough good about the program. Search for other posts on this topic. People have remarked on how great I look after doing this rotation. It doesn't have the "fun factor" that Cathe's workouts have, but the workouts are well thought out and really work the upper body. Many have suggested substituting Cathe's leg work for the P90X workouts. I didn't buy the bands because I have a Total Gym Platinum that I used for pullups. Others have suggested using rows with a barbell instead of buying the pullup bar, or buying a simple one to install in a doorway from ebay. The only item I bought was a yoga mat.

I love P90X and can't recommend it highly enough. I think you'll be very happy with it. Every once in a while I subbed a Cathe workout for the fun factor.

Thank for your input, I just did the ab ripper and it is very challenging, but I can keep up with them.
Is a total workout system, that includes 12 workouts and 3 different rotations. Is very advance.
I find P90X workouts "fun" in a different way: I can see progress with each workout (going up in reps or weight), and go at my own pace. The music is pretty nondescript, IMO, and I neither love it nor hate it. You can always use the "no music" option if you want.

I also enjoy Tony, and don't find him "dry" at all. He seems intelligent, a bit goofy, and encouraging.

When I started a P90X rotation, I didn't have a bar or a way to do band pull-downs, so I substituted heavy 1-arm rows (rather than barbell rows, as Bubbles suggests, because you can support yourself when doing dumbbell rows, but not barbell rows) and would alternate sides during each back segment. Later, I got the heavy bands (very good quality) from BB, and a door attachments from www.sissel-online.com (which was much safter and sturdier seeming than the one that BB offers, and which can be attached at the top of a door rather than the sides, allowing me to kneel on the floor and get a good resistance from the bands). Then I got the pull-up tower BB offers, but still did about 1/2 of the pull-ups/chin-ups as band pulldowns in order to get good numbers.

I was a bit intimidated after previewing chest/back because of all the push-ups (I didn't do toe push-ups at the time) and pullups, so I didn't get to it for a while. Then one day I decided to start, and I started with shoulders/arms...one of my favorite P90X workouts. It got me on a roll, and I did a full 90day rotation.

I was able to go the full 90 days with P90X (substituting some cardio workouts at times, addind an extra rest day at other times, or an extra cardio day, and starting to mix up the workouts a bit by adding things like medicine balls, stability ball, and other "toys" to make things a bit different). On the other hand, I couldn't stick with the Hardcore rotation I came up with based on P90X for more than 4 weeks before wanting to do something else.
For anyone who has tried this series, what kind of results did you get. Was it weight loss, muscle gain or more defined muscles? Just curious to know how much of a difference you recieved from the P90x. Which I did purchase but later sold to my mom. I just couldnt get into Tony. Thanks for those who reply. Chap
So, for those of you who have done P90X how does it compare to Cathy's Hard Core Series? Is it more or less challenging/advanced? What website can I go to to research the program?
Do you think it was worth your time and moneY?
P90X is one of the best workout investments I've ever made.
Worth every penny (even more!).
Vs. Hardcore, I still think P90X upper body resistance work is more challenging and effective: I made progress with almost every workout in P90X, but because of the pace of Cathe's workouts and the "work X body part until done, then move on to body part Y," I did not.

Cathe's cardio is more challenging, but P90X purposely keeps the cardio to a sufficient amount but not so intense it will burn the muscle you are working to build.

The core workouts are excellent! After doing P90X for a few weeks, I was able to do several stability ball planks the first time I tried (and I hadn't been able to do so before).

The only lack for me in P90X is lower body work that keeps my glutes in their place! I would say Gym Styles legs beats Legs and Back (though Legs and Back has some great unweighted and light weight work, and it did firm my legs).

My results after a P90X rotation: increased strength (able to do 20# bicep curls, 15# 1-arm triceps extentions, able to do most of the push-ups on my toes (can't do them that way in the Hardcores because of the lack of rest between sets, IMO, so I put in my own rest!). My core got stronger (even though I skipped "ab ripper" almost 1/2 the time!) and leaner and more defined, more defined upper body (someone who thought I had always looked "frail" x( thought I looked "buff."

P90X vs Hardcore:
P90X wins upper body
Hardcore wins lower body
P90X's cardio is perfect in the rotation
The P90X rotation was actually thought out ahead of time and is very balanced between weight work, cardio, yoga, stretching, core work, and planned recovery weeks that help you come back stronger.
Thanks for your input and encouragement, I am strong already so I should be able to do it, I do S&H using 25's and can do all the push up on my toes with GS chest. I just have to get use to Tony.

I have done the ab ripper X twice and can keep up with Tony.

I did Kenpo X and it was easies than I expected.

Sometimes, I get intimidated by watching the programs and when I tried them, I can do them.

Thank you all for taking the time to respond.


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