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  1. C

    Anyone experience slight shifting using Topper with old...

    Hi Everyone, I only purchased the High Step topper. I am using the purple risers that came with my green health club step. I noticed that the High Step topper slightly slides a bit on my old purple risers. Has anyone who's using their purple risers with the High Step top experiencing this...
  2. C

    For Canadians who are undecided about the High Step

    Hi fellow Canadians, I originally posted asking if Canadians were getting the High Step from After reading on CK Sales' site that they were unable to get the High Step, I went on over to and ordered the High Step topper. Before ordering, I spoke to UPS and asked how much...
  3. C

    Any Canadians ordering the High Step from

    I'm really not holding any hope that CK Sales will be able to get the High Step from the Step Company. I really appreciate all of CK Sales' efforts for trying. Are there any Canadian Catheites who have ordered the High Step from instead?
  4. C

    How do you come up with your step choreography?

    Hi Cathe (or anyone who teaches step), I'm just curious. How do you come up with so many different and innovative step moves? I've always been curious at all the possibilities with the step and choreography for it.
  5. C

    Thanks Cathe for Leaner Legs workout

    Hi Cathe, I just want to thank you for your talent, time and energy in creating such wonderful workouts. I did Leaner Legs last night and had a wonderful time with it. It was the first time I tried it and with weight too! You make such tough workouts but you make working out with you so much...
  6. C

    DVD cases really annoy me

    I wish DVD makers would come up with a secure and easy-on-the-disc DVD case. I've had two instances where I received DVDs through the mail that were rattling loose in their cases when they arrived. They had superficial scratches on them but other than that, they played fine. Then months later I...
  7. C

    Contraceptives and weight loss

    I've been currently taking Alesse low-dose birth control pills for the last two years. Has anyone who been on contraceptives found it hard to lose weight?
  8. C

    Found an old Cathe video

    This summer I went to my favourite record shop in downtown Hamilton where I live. They sell new and used CDs, DVDs, records, tapes, VHS, and video games. I was rummaging through the used VHS tapes and found an old Cathe video called Fit and Firm. It was a lot of fun seeing a very young Cathe and...
  9. C

    Creating a Rotation

    Why guidelines do you use when creating a rotation and how long do you stay with the rotation?
  10. C

    SNM Videos -- Price of high step topper?

    Hi SNM, Wondering if there's any new info about buying the topper separately? Any idea on the price?
  11. C

    Barbell weights

    Cathe or anyone else, When Cathe says I'll be using 40 pounds on the barbell, does she mean that the plates she puts on the bar are 40 pounds in total or does she mean the total weight of the plates plus the bar's weight. My barbell bar weighs 17 pounds on its own, so if I added 2 20pd...
  12. C

    Move Master Feature on new DVDs?

    Hi Cathe For those of us who are new to your step workouts and/or just don't pick-up choreography as quickly, would you consider putting a 10 min. section on the DVD called Learning the Moves where you explain and demonstrate the trickier steps in the step workout?
  13. C

    Which Cathe strength tape will give me a toned but not bulky look?

    I want to tone up without bulking up too much. Which of Cathe's strength workouts (and I have all of them including the Intensity series) will give me a more lean and defined look as opposed to bulky? Any suggestions or comments would help!
  14. C

    Kickbox workout

    Cathe, I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful and energizing workout Kickbox was for me. I love the energy I put into it and the energy and relaxation I get out of the workout when I'm done. Could you please create more kickbox-type workouts? Thank you!
  15. C

    Classics volume 1 DVD

    Hi Has anyone noticed a momentary freeze in the Step Heat workout? It occurs in the first step section. I'm wondering if the disc is the problem or my DVD player.
  16. C

    Cathe, step tips...

    Hi Cathe I've ordered all your DVDs; I love your approach to fitness. Also, I've previewed most of your step videos. They are very challenging. Could give me some pointers on how to learn your step aerobic routines. I find that I trip over my own feet if the choreography is complex and fast...
  17. C

    I'm new to Cathe

    Hi Everyone! I just want to say that I'm new to Cathe and am so glad I found her. I lost about 45 pounds almost three years ago, then got depressed and stopped. Now I've started up again. I need to lose about another 75 to 80 pounds (I know how bad that looks). I've tried Cathe's Pure...