Search results

  1. K

    Having to Eat Constantly

    Is there anyone else tired of "having to eat"? If I don't eat in regular intervals my stomach goes crazy and causes me a great deal of discomfort until I send something down there. I constantly have to watch the clock to make sure that I eat on time, even when I think I have eaten enough. It...
  2. K

    Ab Work on Stability While Preganant

    Is it ok to do light ab work on the stability ball while pregnant? I don't want my ab muscles to turn to mush. Thanks.
  3. K

    Exercise Tapes & Pregnancy

    I am about 8 weeks pregnant and am wondering what tapes the rest of you moms to be are using. I find that I can get through the tapes but I have to rest often. I am thinking that I may need to do something less intensive. Thanks.
  4. K

    Hardcore Premix Update 9/20/04

    Cathe, Thank you for the updates and the premixes. I am sure your team will come up with just the right mix. Kimmy
  5. K

    Go Ahead....Yell at me.....

    Thanks everyone for your understanding. I have decided to keep a food journal just to be safe. I found out today that I am 6 weeks pregnant. I must admit the excitement has not really set in yet. I do plan to keep up with my exercise routine as much as possible. I felt like real crap two...
  6. K

    Go Ahead....Yell at me.....

    I believe I am about 8-10 weeks pregnant (am having all the necessary test performed tomorrow) and I have gained about 5 pounds because I have been eating because my stomach feels like it has a black hole burning through it. When I eat it feels better. I am not happy about the weight gain. I...
  7. K

    I am pregnant...exercise questions

    I have taken two home pregnancy test and it has confirm that I am pregnant. I will get an official work on Friday from the doctor. With regards to exercsie and pregnancy, can you still do abdominal exercises? It is my understanding that as you progress further into pregnancy that...
  8. K

    will i gain weight if i decrease my cardio, increase my wts????

    I am so happy to see this thread. I have always preferred weight lifting vs. cardio. I have lost inches now that I seriously weight train. I rotate doing strength workouts and endurance workouts. Typicallys 4-5 weeks per rotation.
  9. K

    DVD Decision....Did I miss it?

    I too will not buy the Gym Style (although it sounds like it is up my alley) because the price is too high to get a 1/3 of a workout. I thought by the wording in the description that it would be on 1 DVD. I absolutely love Cathe, but this doesn't make economic sense.
  10. K

    Cathe-- Gym Style Training questions

    I posted a few weeks ago and was told that the decison was made to put GST on 1 dvd. Is that incorrect? Thanks.
  11. K

    DVD Decision....Did I miss it?

    Thank you!!!
  12. K

    DVD Decision....Did I miss it?

    Was a decision made regarding whether or not the Gym Style series will be on separate dvd's or one? Thanks!
  13. K

    Abs Tape

    Can anyone recommend a video that has several good short abdominal routines. I really do not want a tape that works that abs for 1/2 hour. I don't feel it is necessary. I currently am using the The Firm 5 day abs and I love the time length for each workout. The outfits may be outdated, but I...
  14. K

    Chest - Not Responding

    Hello, My body is really starting to develop good muscle tone and shape, but I see to develop in the chest area. I use 15lb dumbbells for most of the exercises but am not seeing anything. Any advice.
  15. K

    The Firm - 5 Day Abs

    Does anyone use this tape? If so, what do you think about it?
  16. K

    Ex or Current FIRMers???

    Cathe is much more intense than The Firm. However, I still like to use the firm when I don't feel like working out as intensely on somedays, or just when I need a change of pace. I do use the early volumes and 1 or 2 of the later release because they are a bit more challenging.
  17. K

    Which Hardcore DVDs Will YOU Buy?

    Blinda, I am with you. If Gym style is on 3 seperate dvd's I don't think I will purchase them. Although, I can afford them, it just doesn't make sense to have total body split across 3 dvd's. It just simply doesn't make economic sense for me to spend the money. I will get Low Max, High Step...
  18. K

    SNM - Have you made a decision yet?

    I really need to know if you will still have premixes on your DVD's, as well as whether or not Gym Style will be on 1 dvd or 3 before I preorder. I could probably live without the premixes, although I do LOVE them, but I am not sure if I will order Gym Style on 3 seperate dvds.
  19. K

    Gym Style on 1 DVD or 3 Seperate DVD

    RE: Gym Style on 1 DVD Please....... One DVD please. I would really have to give some serious thought about purchasing a dvd with only 1 or 2 body parts on it. Given the asking price, I would rather have 1 dvd that had everything. As a matter of fact, I made a list of the new workouts I...
  20. K

    PMS Cravings....Please Help.

    Please help! I just blew my diet again due to PMS cravings. I don't know how to control them. I crave sweets and carbs like crazy. Is there anything I do. I never used to get these cravings before. Are there supplements I can take? I was doing so well with my eating program and then I blow it. I...