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  1. terribleterra

    Kind of scared

    did they say anything about asthma to you?
  2. terribleterra

    power tower

    Oh, I can't wait for this to come out. I hope it won't be too, too expensive.
  3. terribleterra

    Presale Joy!!!

    >Edited: OMG, I didn't realize the message at the top of the >order form about the void nor did I catch it in Heather's >post. DOH!!!! I'm not concerned about getting my order in; I >just couldn't sleep and figured I'd get it out of the way. >Hope I haven't caused SNM a problem! > >~Cathy...
  4. terribleterra

    Where is the presale?

    Do you mean this...
  5. terribleterra

    LIC arms only??

    Would the upper body portion alone of LIC make a good workout? I'm looking to do something new, tough enough, but not killer. Would another one of the new dvd's be better?? TIA, Terri
  6. terribleterra

    which/who is your favorite "Spongebob" character?

    RE: which/who is your favorite I love Gary - Spongebob's pet snail. He meows like a cat instead of making *snail sounds* (I don't even know if snails make sounds?!? :))
  7. terribleterra

    What do you think of protein bars?

    Hi, Hardly ever post but wanted to say I found the most delicious protein bars! Snickers Multigrain crunch - I buy them off eBay - usually $0.50-$0.60 a bar, instead of $1.20-$1.40 a bar in your local store. I buy bulk like 9 cases at a time so it's about $80.00 total. They are so yummy. I...
  8. terribleterra

    To all Catheites that love football!

    Oh, I love sports in general! Everything except soccer! My poor Red Sox are on the brink of elimination! x( Okay, back to the topic of football: Fave football team: "YOUR NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!" Least Fave team/players/coaches: Steelers! There are no words to desribe how much I...
  9. terribleterra

    Opinions on Lotte Berk workouts?

    I just recently decided to stop using LBM in my rotation. They are way too beginner after you get the form correctly! I felt like saying to the tv "hurry up" sometimes. All they do is talk and review the form and blah,blah,blah!x( That's not to say I didn't need instruction at first, but after...
  10. terribleterra

    Too much? Just Right?

    Hi, I'm in a Cathe pyramid rotation right now. I'm doing PLB once a week, deciding that my legs(and me) are not up to doing it twice a week! So I feel and wanted to get in other leg work! I decided to do Lotte Berk with it. Haven't tried it before and I had had the DVD's for ages - so let's...
  11. terribleterra

    Tricep Push-ups

    I'm so glad that I'm not alone!:) I felt/feel like such a weakling whenever that exercise comes up and I just stare at the tv and say "yeah right!!!" Terri
  12. terribleterra

    How often... Pyramids??

    You guys have been so helpful! :D :D Thanks so much for your opinions!! Terri
  13. terribleterra

    How often... Pyramids??

    I tried to search for this topic this morning... but I guess I'm searched challenged!!!:o How often do you guys do PUB & PLB per week?? Once or twice?? Just trying to figure out a new rotation for myself. Thanks in advance for all your input! :D :D :D Terri
  14. terribleterra

    I have MS!

    Hello to all, My name is Dana. I have been spoken of in this forum from Terri/terribleterra. I am her boyfriend of 7 years. My replies in forums are generally very long and drawn out on normal interests. And now, this is a subject which is obviously very close to home, rather than a passing...
  15. terribleterra

    Just found out hubby has MS

    Fitmom, First and foremost, I'm so sorry. For him AND you. Second, I can not believe the dr. would not tell you anything. Why does he need a spinal tap? Do you mean a MRI? I never heard of getting a spinal tap to figure out what kind/how bad the MS is. Let me first tell you this, my...
  16. terribleterra

    Anybody here have MS?

    >She is confined to a >wheelchair....sorry to tell you that, but, I think alot of it >is state of mind, determination and will power. You will >fight this MS and not it let it beat you. If you have that >state of mind, I think you are going to remain healthy for a >very long time. >Kim...
  17. terribleterra

    Dumb question,.....I am sure to all you seasoned weight...

    RE: Firm padded barbell >Kathyrn, >Where did you buy your Firm padded barbell? I know firmdirect >no longer sells them. I was wondering if they were available >through another distributor or was then a Firm exclusive >barbell? Thanks in advance. I got a padded barbell at...
  18. terribleterra

    Hostility about exercise?

    Fortunately, most of the time I can take the hostility when it comes from people I don't know, especially if they're out of shape, but it can hurt sometimes when a close family member does it - I was watching Trading Spaces one Saturday night with my two sisters, one of them said to me "I...