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  1. J

    Cathe, need adivce on new tapes

    I'm in the same Boat! I don't know what's the matter with me lately but it just takes so much time, effort and energy to eat well, that once I "blow it" I'm off the wagon for days, weeks. Those doritos sound pretty good. I brought birthday donuts for my daughter's preschool today and they...
  2. J


    Cathe, I hope Rhonda doesn't mind us talking about her, but she looks SO terrific in these tapes. I love watching her facial expressions during CardioKicks! I don't know how much you two see of each other, but maybe you can pass on her workout program. Did you personally "whip" her into...
  3. J


    Weight loss I found Denise Austin's book titled Lose Those Last Ten Pounds on the shelf in hard cover at Target and I bought it after thumbing throught it. In it she has and exercise plan, which I pretty much ignore, sticking to my own "Cathe-FIRM-Kickbox" routine. But, the food plan is...
  4. J

    New Cathe Rotations

    Mini topper Okay, you've totally peaked my curiosity at this point. I am jealous of that little thing and guess what!! I just happen to have step at my cabin that is rarely being used. Do you think a "yutz" like me could convert to a mini-topper? Does this involve power tools? (Power tools...
  5. J

    New Cathe Rotations

    8 Pack rotation What the heck is a "mini-topper"? Is that one of those Britney Spears shirts? Anyway, here's my 5 week Cathe Rotation. I had to include running for cross-training and some of my favorites. I tried to use the PS Series as complimentary to the cross-trainers. Sunday is always...
  6. J

    New Cathe Rotations

    Maria's rotation Wow,I thought I was in good shape, but, girl, I couldn't keep up with you. Are you excited about Circuit Max & Cardio Kicks?
  7. J

    New Cathe Rotations

    OK!!!!!!! I'll work on it in my "spare time"(I'll probably have to stay up late at night.) I'm going to include the 8 new tapes and also work in some of my old favorites only as far back as Step Heat. I also kickbox and run as Cathe has advised cross-training to prevent injury. It's really...
  8. J

    New Cathe Rotations

    Hey, is anyone else interested in making up some new Cathe rotations with these new tapes? All the possibilities are so exciting! I'm curious as to how everyone plans to use them, especially considering there's 8 tapes coming out and only 7 days in the week. Currently I'm using an old...
  9. J


    I've found that when I eat something with some fat in it for my second meal (I usually have 5 400 calorie meals a day) those late afternoon cravings drop off. My two favorites are a two egg omlette with an ounce or ounce and half of cheese and a bunch of vegetables or those little "Red Baron"...
  10. J

    Weight lifting reference book.

    Hi Cathe! I'm so curious about what's going on inside my muscles as they develop and become more defined. I'm wondering if you could recommend a good book on weight training principles and theory. Something that could explain the various techniques used to overload a muscle and some...
  11. J

    Has anyone done The Firm 90 day rotation?

    I am considering doing The Firm's 90 day rotation calendar. It sounds like a nice change of pace and I'd like to get more use out of my Firm tapes than I am now. But, of course, I have a few misgivings and I'd love to have input from some experienced Cathe users. Can anyone answer me this...