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  1. L

    No pain, No gain??

    no pain no gain A few months ago, someone wrote in to Fitness magazine with the very same question and they said you do NOT have to be sore to experience strength gains. Maybe someone here will remember what issue that had that question and post it. I had a similar experience with the entire...
  2. L

    Please, I need help

    i forgot to include this in my previous post... I found that high fat and fried foods made my stomach feel much worse. Try to eat a bland, low fat diet and avoid fried and fatty foods at all costs. Many believe spicy foods to be very bad for stomach problems but I found it was fatty foods...
  3. L

    Please, I need help

    stomach pain Hi. I am not a doctor and know very little about medicine, but this kind of sounds like a gall bladder problem to me. Ask your doctor for an ultrasound. I had gall stones and suffered for months until my mother insisted on an ultrasound. I was very young at the time (23), but I...
  4. L

    Going nowhere fast

    nordic track I also have a Nordic Track that I have been using for about 2 years and I have been doing interval type workouts lately with a lot of success. I usually warm up about 5-10 mins. and then I go as hard as I can for one minute 15-20 seconds and then recover for one minute 40-45...
  5. L

    Going nowhere fast

    slow results I think many people on this forum understand your frustration about all this. When I first started my workout/weightloss program, the same thing happened to me. It is VERY frustrating, but hang in there. If you have been eating healthfully and working out, the pounds will come...
  6. L

    I need advice or encouragement or something. . .

    PS Legs Hi I had a similar problem with PS Legs. When I started using the PS series, I was lifting fairly heavy weights at the gym and thought I wouldn't have too much trouble with PS. However, that was not the case. In the beginning, I was so sore, I couldn't workout (or hardly walk!) the...