Please, I need help


Hi Cathe or anyone who can help me with this. On Monday night I had to go to the ER with severe stomach pains. I don't know how to put this delicately, so I'll just say it, I vomited for about 3 hours straight. I've had this many times before but never this severe. Anyway, usually after this happens I resume my usual eating habits, but this time I have absolutely no appetite. I've called my doctor twice and she hasn't called me back. My question to you is, what can I eat or drink that will be high in calories and easy on my stomach? I would rather never eat again than go through that pain ever again. I have been eating some to try and keep up my strength, and I have no nausea. They think I might have an ulcer and I've had chronic gastric reflux for quite a while. I'm really scared because this whole thing has sent me into a tailspin healthwise. I have chronic fatigue and pain and am on disability and have not been doing well with that for the past few months, and now I'm losing even more weight and can barely take care of myself. Please help anyone who can give me some advice or just words of wisdom. This forum has been a wonderful thing for me since I can't do much but type on the computer.
Thanks Laura
So Sorry Laura!

I really think that you need to see a Dr. RIGHT AWAY!! (Even if it is not your Dr.!) This sounds serious and we don't want you to get worse. Maybe you should even try going into Emergency. Not eating is definitely not good for you. We want to see you back healthy again, so don't delay! Keep in touch--DEBBIE
stomach pain

Hi. I am not a doctor and know very little about medicine, but this kind of sounds like a gall bladder problem to me. Ask your doctor for an ultrasound. I had gall stones and suffered for months until my mother insisted on an ultrasound. I was very young at the time (23), but I found out they are fairly common in young women and VERY common in women in their 30s and 40s. Gall stones are very painful and can look like many other things. Apparently, it is a difficult problem to diagnose. You may find some useful information on Best of luck to you.
i forgot to include this in my previous post...

I found that high fat and fried foods made my stomach feel much worse. Try to eat a bland, low fat diet and avoid fried and fatty foods at all costs. Many believe spicy foods to be very bad for stomach problems but I found it was fatty foods that caused the most pain. Again, best of luck to you!
I agree with liz5775

I think you should definitely see a doctor and have some kind of follow-up to rule out any other problems. As far as eating goes, definitely a bland, low fat diet - crackers, bread, rice, (the only foods I can think of are carbs!), maybe plain pasta (no sauce), bananas. Hope you are feeling better soon!! Erica
I am seeing the doctor...

sorry guys, in my haste to get this done, I left out some details. Yes I am seeing the doctor and having a cat scan and other tests, but that's not until next week and I didn't want to wait that long to find out what I can eat.
Thank you all so much. I have had 2 ultra sounds looking for gall stones and both came up negative. Oh I hope I don't have to do that again! Having to drink all that water and not being able to pee is second only to throwing up in my book of things I hate the most

Anyway, thanks again and I will be fine. I go through this kind of crap all the time, I just feel kind of alone right now because I don't really know what's going on with my body. And the worst part is, I haven't been able to exercise, so I guess I'll have to live vicariously through all of you for awhile

Laura. . .

Call your doctor back and ask to speak to his nurse. Nurses usually know the important stuff anyway and they're LOTS easier to get in touch with! She should be able to help you with a list of edibles for now. This sounds like a truly HORRIBLE problem and I sympathize totally. . . I've had gastrointestinal problems so I understand, they are very devastating. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (although no serious bouts in several years). Talk about indelicate, how do you tell someone that you've had diarrhea every day for six months, LOL! I felt like my life was just draining away. . . (literally, LOL again!). I weighed 20 lb less then than I do now. I was so nauseated I couldn't eat. I know that it is scary to be losing too much weight that way and even scarier not to know WHY! Do you live alone?? Is there anyone who could help by maybe bringing over some meals? It may be that if you don't have to cook it you might want to eat it more. I don't really know what to suggest except to offer my sympathy and let you know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please post back and let us know what you find out. You need to get diagnosed so you can get treated and get your life back! Best to you, susan p

Hi Susan,
I do have a husband who has been taking very good care of me. I'm not nauseated at all. I can eat, I just have no appetite and that's what I'm concerned about.
I did leave a message for the nurse-2 in fact-and now it's after 6PM, so I doubt anyone will call me back before Monday.
It's funny that you mention the cooking. Even when I feel like a million bucks I don't cook! I am the worst cook, so luckily I'm used to eating simple meals.
Diarrhea for six months sounds like a nightmare. I feel lucky that I don't have that problem.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support. That is what I really need right now.

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