No pain, No gain??



Here's my problem:

The first two times I've done P.S. Legs&Abs,
I could barely walk for days. Yesterday was my
3rd time and I am not very sore at all.
I have tried to slightly increase my weight
each time.
So basically I am wondering if no pain equals
no gain...I don't think I could have lifted
any heavier weights than I did.
Thanks for any wisdom!
Hi Jessica

That is a good sign. Not being as sore means your body is adjusting to the workout. When I started PS legs I could barely walk either. After the third time I wasn't as sore either. That does not mean there is no gain. Whenever you start a new program that your body isn't used to you will usually experience soreness. Believe me, if I got that sore every time I did strength I do not think I would still be doing it.

Hope this helps
Thanks Sarah

I feel so much better!
I was frustrated b/c I was lifting as
much as I could and I want to make sure
that I was making progress.
Thanks again,
no pain no gain

A few months ago, someone wrote in to Fitness magazine with the very same question and they said you do NOT have to be sore to experience strength gains. Maybe someone here will remember what issue that had that question and post it. I had a similar experience with the entire Pure Strength series and wondered the same thing. Good luck to you.

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