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  1. C

    Date videos will ship?

    whiz!? Is anyone else as immature as I to see the funny here? Okay, I'll grow up!
  2. C

    Crosstraining activities suggestion...

    my passion! Riding has been my passion since I was a little girl (longer ago than I'd like to admit!) I was in the process of training my 2 yr old when I found out about my preg. I have put it on hold since he is too inexperienced to trust with baby on board. I recently let go of my old gelding...
  3. C

    don't know where to do this

    color me... stupid!, but this is not working! I go into to register with the username I want and the same password. It comes up dupl_user. Then if you try to log in with the new user name and the same password it comes up incorrect password and will not let you log in to post. Perhaps if I...
  4. C

    Crosstraining activities suggestion...

    speaking of legs... What women doesn't put weight on in their thighs, hips and butt!? That is definitely where I have the most trouble getting rid of the cushion!Are there any specific cross training workouts that are really good for hamstrings? I have begun to wonder this myself. I do run...
  5. C

    don't know where to do this

    user name I am trying to change my user name. Didn't read ALL of the directions when I was re- registering. That's what I get for thinking I know what I am doing! Thanks for the quick reply!
  6. C

    don't know where to do this

    I am not sure where to ask this, but I messed up when registering. How do you clear this and re-register without it coming up as a duplicate name? Thanks for any help!
  7. C

    Give me your stories!

    you asked for it! I am now 33 wks into my 6th ( this is not a typo!) pregnancy. I have worked out through all of them. Some were better than others at various times during gestation. What I can say from all of the experiences is that you MUST listen to your body! If you are feeling too ill to...