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  1. F

    Hey, Firmie!!!

    Bust and Butt is not that great I had it for awhile but traded it away. I don't hear many people speak highly of it. If you want to raise your butt you need the Firms tall box work. It will take your butt where it hasn't gone before! People actually start talking and noticing how high and firm...
  2. F

    my quads are huge..HELP!!

    NOT A CONTEST Cathe does great cardio but so does the Firm. They are DIFFERENT. I use both for cardio. It's called cross training. Other great Firm cardio workouts would be Super Cardio, Cardio Burn, Maximum Cardio, Cardio Step Mix. Tough Tapes and Standing Legs also give a good cardio as well...
  3. F

    my quads are huge..HELP!!

    Not a contest My point is........ Firm does CARDIO. AND DOES IT WELL. Cathe does great cardio. FIRM CARDIO IS DIFFERENT but you can do the Firm and get a great cardio workout.
  4. F

    my quads are huge..HELP!!

    firmie I didn't feel insulted I felt you were misinforming people. Cardio is cardio. If it gets your heart rate up that's what matters. I would like to see women stop limiting themselves to the idea that cardio has to be just dancing in place, or using stationary exercise equipment or step...
  5. F

    my quads are huge..HELP!!

    FIRM CARDIO IS CARDIO BUT DIFFERENT I use Cathe and the Firm. Why is it so hard for people to get that you can get cardio and strength at the same time? That's what the Firm does. Like circuit training at the gym where you keep your heart rate up in between weight lifting sets. GEESH. Firm...