Search results

  1. J

    Need a great ab rotation

    With warm weather approaching I am looking for an ab focused rotation. What is your favorite abs rotation? I generally just do one segment of Ab Hits but I would like to incorporate some pilates and Cathe's new workouts. Boy I wish she would make an Ab Hits 2 DVD!:7
  2. J

    Suggestions for Tricep Definition

    My Mini-Progress Report Since everyone was so kind and generous with all the advice and tips, I wanted to give an update. Thurs. – CTX cardio followed by a total body workout SS (light weights) Fri. - PUB (doing triceps first) followed by KPC Sat. – Step followed by a LEGS & GLUTES...
  3. J

    Suggestions for Tricep Definition

    Everyone. Thanks so much for all your good advice! (Especially you,Kathryn for taking the time to provide all the tips and information!) I'll try putting triceps first and adding more kickboxing workouts. Dips really seem to bother my wrists before I feel them in the muscle so I too avoid them...
  4. J

    Suggestions for Tricep Definition

    I am loving the new Body Blast series but I really need help in the tricep area. I have good definition in the shoulders, lats and biceps but zip in the triceps. Does anyone have a rotation or suggestions using videos for defining this area? Thanks! Edited to add: Also, what video (cathe...
  5. J

    Please post your BB DVD premix reviews here!

    Hi Angela, I had the exact same problem with the inverted shoulder press! I did all the tapes through once and then started in on the Pre-mixes. I could do the first three reps of the first set and then forget it:) Oh well something to work towards! Julie
  6. J

    Please post your BB DVD premix reviews here!

    Push/Pull Upper Body Premix (2 sets) Pros: 1. Love that this uses the stability ball and gives a functional fitness twist to the standard exercises (chest flyes, shoulders etc). It's a sneaky way to work in the core which I am trying to focus on. 2. I love the slower 2-2 count. In high...
  7. J

    A little bit about ourselves..

    This is a great idea! I too lurk more than I post. I will be turning 37 on Halloween. I am a Finacial Analyst for an educational software company in Phoenix, AZ. I have been married for 2 years (together for 9) to a fabulous guy who doesn't understand my video obsession but is totally supportive...
  8. J

    DVD Combinations and Rotations

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-02 AT 10:48AM (Est)[p]I finally crumbled and ordered a Sony 5 disk DVD player :) I am so excited! Is there a place to go to find DVD chaptering and some great combinations and rotations? Either Cathe or non Cathe Thanks Julie
  9. J

    Lower Body Rotation similiar to TankTop

    Thanks for the response:) I love the idea of adding kickboxing for cardio. I know everyone's muscles respond differently but what has everyone elses' results been? Do you think that for slimming and getting cut, it's best to work the legs three days or two? Also does floor work seem to have a...
  10. J

    Lower Body Rotation similiar to TankTop

    I love the tank top rotation- like everyone else.:) It has been the best in terms of results for my upper body. I was wondering does anyone have a lower body rotation that would be as effect. I'm interested in slimming and getting cut. Thanks for any advice!
  11. J

    A Novel Notion's Aerobic Step Cube

    Hi AmyNicole, First of all, congratulations on your baby. My stepson is graduating from high school today and I was talking with his mom about how fast the time has gone. Second, thanks so much for your input. I'll search over at but this sounds like a winner:) Thanks!
  12. J

    A Novel Notion's Aerobic Step Cube

    Hi, I am thinking of getting this for the PS series as well as my Firm videos. I did a search and couldn't find any reviews. Does anyone have this? I am specifically interested in the stablity and durablity with all the problems with the new Fanny Lifter. I know there was a post about making a...
  13. J

    New Rotations Volume

    RE: All caught up thru BeccaT now! Please send me a copy of the Volume 4 rotations too:) [email protected] Thank you :-jumpy
  14. J

    SNM- Defective Video

    Hi, I just received my order and my Step & Intervals tape is defective. I tried calling and was told someone would call me back, so far nothing. I realize how busy you all are Could you please post how to exchange videos for us? Thanks Julie