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  1. K

    Prep for Pregnancy??

    I did the CTX series to prepare for pregnancy and I definitely went into my pregnancy in very good shape and well toned. I started the CTX series in August (2000), got pregnant in November (2000) and stopped doing the series in mid-Dec (2000) as the cardio portion of the cross-trainers was too...
  2. K

    Pictures of Katie

    Alli, She is just tooooo cute!!!!! Thanks for sharing these pictures. It has been a long time since I checked in on this forum, but I have not forgotten you. In May/June 2001 I was hospitalized due to premature rupture of the membrances at 28 weeks and ended up having my little guy at 31...
  3. K

    new mom wanting to kick up the progress

    Kathy, Hi! I am so glad you asked this question--I am 8 months post-partum and am very close to my pre-pregnancy weight but do have a "flabby" belly! Do you have the CrossTrainer series? These tapes combine challenging cardio with working one body part with weights. I used them before I got...
  4. K

    Been put on bed rest

    RE: Hi Alli! Alli, How are you and baby Katie? Sounds like you are taking advantage of this time to start bonding with her...I know that for me it was amazing how much I bonded with Kyle before he was born and it was comforting to me. Kyle is doing just great! My tiny 3lb, 8oz baby now...
  5. K

    Been put on bed rest

    Alli, How are you doing??? I was in the hospital this summer for almost three weeks due to premature rupture of membranes--I went in at 28 weeks and Kyle was born at 31 weeks---anyway, while I was in the hospital, I posted here and you wrote me several notes of encouragement, so now I am...
  6. K

    CTX/PS rotation for weight loss

    I did this rotation last year for about 3 months--I liked it so much! I don't remember losing alot of weight but I was very toned and tight AND I felt wonderful! This rotation kept me very focused and really helped me stay consistent with my workouts. I tried to watch my diet, but was not...
  7. K

    getting back into the swing of things

    Paula, I am struggling with the same thing! I am just about 5 months postpartum and have been having a horrendous time finding the time to exercise and I miss it soooooo much! I work full time outside of my home and I have an hour and 15 minutes commute in the morning and the evening, so my...
  8. K

    Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy

    Lisa, I had a preemie this summer! He was born 2 months early and weighed 3lbs, 8oz. He now weighs close to 11lbs. I agree with what you said about exercising through pregnancy--that was my experience, too. I only pushed for about 15 minutes and even though it was a short time, it was...
  9. K

    Kyle is Born!

    RE: Hoping he goes home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi, Alli and everyone! Just wanted to give you an update on my little guy, Kyle (he is a preemie). He came home from the hospital on July 13 (he was born on June 11)and he is doing just wonderful!!! He is growing like a weed and eating up a storm...
  10. K

    Kyle is Born!

    RE: Hoping he goes home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alli, Congrads on your pregnancy--I have been meaning to drop you a note of congrads and am just now getting around to it! Hope all is going well. Kyle now weighs 4lbs, 3oz and is doing just great. We expect that he will come home to us SOON...
  11. K

    post-delivery belly

    Hi, Alicia! My baby boy will be one month old tomorrow. Congrads on your baby boy! I actually have the same problem with the post-delivery belly and I delivered a 3lb, 8oz baby (he was born at 31 weeks and now weighs 4lbs, 3oz!) so you would think that I wouldn't have a belly, but I sure do...
  12. K

    Kyle is Born!

    RE: Hoping he goes home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi, thanks for your notes everyone. I am saving them to put in Kyle's keepsake box! Well, I got excited too soon about the breastfeeding--Mr. Kyle has now decided that he is not that interested and it is easier to get fed through a tube. He only...
  13. K

    Kyle is Born!

    RE: Congrats - and i'm sorry he's not home with you (m) Hi, Leela-- Thanks for the note! We have made big progress--Kyle has been moved out of the isolette and into a crib so the doctors can see how he does in maintaining his body temperature. Now we just have to keep working on the feeding...
  14. K

    Kyle is Born!

    Many, many thanks to all you for keeping my baby Kyle in your thoughts and prayers. Your words of support are so very appreciated and I am going to print out your notes and put them in his special keepsake box. He is doing fine--exactly what he should be doing for his age (if he had stayed in...
  15. K

    Kyle is Born!

    Hi, I posted a few weeks that I had experienced premature rupture of the membranes at the end of my 28th week and I am finally checking back in with you all to give you an update. My membranes ruptured on May 26 and I was hospitalized until Kyle's birth on June 11! He was born at the beginning...
  16. K

    Pre-mature Rupture of Membranes

    Thanks, Chris for the words of encouragement! I am convinced that my positive outlook is the result of being a regular exerciser and up until this happened I exercised throughout my pregnancy I am getting excited about Cathe's new tapes! Of course I won't be able to use them when they first...
  17. K

    Pre-mature Rupture of Membranes

    Thanks for the words of encouragement! I do keep my spirits up by remembering that every day that goes by, my baby gets stronger and bigger and that makes me happy. Also, I really think it is important that i keep positive so that the baby is getting "good" vibes from me and not depressing...
  18. K

    Pre-mature Rupture of Membranes

    Hi, I'm looking for any of you who have experienced premature rupture of membranes and were put on bed rest until you deliver. I was due Aug 12, but my water broke on May 26 and I have been in the hospital on bed rest since then. The good news is that so far I have beat the odds as I have not...
  19. K

    CIA: 2102....

    RE: Beginner rating I have this video and really like it! I would NOT consider it a beginner workout though--definitely intermediate and depending upon the amount of weights you use, it could even be considered advanced. I think the leg work in this video is very good--I find it challenging...
  20. K

    Hey Trevor!!

    RE: where in central PA, Suzanne? The Redskins drive me crazy, too! I have been living in the Washington, DC area for about 17 years and I vowed that when I moved here I was not going to become a Redskin fan because that is what everyone does--they move here, give up their former teams, and...