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  1. F


    HI Mary, Your HDL is excellent, and could be due to your devotion to exercise (unless you know of others in your family who also have high HDL? It is often genetic.). Anyway, while your total is certainly high, your HDL at that level should be protecting your heart. Your triglycerides are...
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    Hi Mary, I am a research coordinator in preventive cardiology, and my specialty is in cholesterol. I am very curious as to what your HDL ("good" cholesterol) is as that would have a huge impact on my advice. If it is truly unusually high, it could be protecting your heart, and, if that is the...
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    need suggestions to add bulk

    Trevor I am from NY so I tend to root for the NY teams especially the Yanks. I will be rooting for the Ravens this Sun vs your Steelers. We are in Baltiomore by the way. Angela your commnent about the longer count on the negative is one i will take to heart. Suzanne I thought about what you said...
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    Thank you, DebbieH!

    Bump. Want to make sure you read this, DebH.
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    Thank you, DebbieH!

    Hi Debbie, I feel like I know you so well from all of your posts, and I really enjoy lurkdom and anonymity, but I am so thrilled that you answered my husband's posts that I had to write. I am so glad to hear the good news about Julie, and hope she enjoys the rest of her pregnancy. Having 5...
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    Thanks from Israel !

    Hi Anat! My brother and his family live in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Where are you? Have a Chag Sameach! :D
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    need suggestions to add bulk

    Thank you all very much for your input. I'll try to incorporate them into my workouts. It will take some time to figure out what is best. Debbie H., My wife (who lurks here all the time) thinks you are a celebrity and she is quite excited that you wrote to me. She hopes Julie is feeling well...
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    need suggestions to add bulk

    Hi Cathe, I'm a 48 year old male and I am writing on my wifes screen name. My wife got me going with your tapes a few months ago and I enjoy them very much. My goal is to gain bulk. I am 5'7 and weigh about 120lbs. I have been doing power hour and the pure strength series. I started to do CST...
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    Need advice from nurses....

    Hi Janice, Can I add a few words? I have been an RN for more than 25 years!!! (Yikes!) I have my bachelor's degree, and am glad I went that route. When I first told my friends I was going to be a nurse, they laughed uncontrollably because I would nearly faint whenever I saw blood. But I knew...
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    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    Donna, I dread coming out of lurkdom to post a response, but to keep quiet would indicate that I find no offense in the email you received, and to do nothing would mean it could happen again, to anyone. You are a true inspiration, and one of the few posters I always want to read. I have lived...
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    High cholesterol--help!

    Hi everyone, Guess I have to come out of lurking to answer this. I do clinical research in preventive cardiology, and focus mainly on cholesterol (including current work on a genetic study for people with low HDL). While there are foods and nutrients to recommend, as well as EXERCISE, I would...
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    How to lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol..........

    It is so exciting to be part of such an important discussion. After mainly lurking here for so long, and getting so much good advice from other people on so many topics, it's nice to have the opportunity to contribute. Jani22, it sounds like you are doing great, and following a sensible and...
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    How to lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol..........

    Hi Aerika, Your HDL is good, as are your triglycerides. Your total chol and LDL need a little work, but I think you seem to have the incentive to change it. Astronomical? Not by a longshot, believe me. My first suggestion is to look at your diet. I am an advocate of clean, vegetarian eating. If...
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    How to lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol..........

    P.S. And to echo everyone else out there who knows their stuff, add soy, oatmeal, whole grains, tea, and plently of vegetables (a little of each color group). Avoid animal products. Good luck!
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    How to lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol..........

    Hi everyone, Wow, a topic I can actually respond to with some authority! I do clinical research in preventive cardiology, and my main focus is in lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides). I recommend to my patients to aim for an LDL level between 60-85, and an HDL >35 (>60 is excellent). So to have...
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    FOOD SHOCKERS by Kristen Carpenter

    RE: hummus Thanks for the tips, Ruth! MadnNatsMom, Hummus is delicious chick pea (garbanzo bean) spread, that can be bought (at least in my area) in most natural food stores, or in a "Mediterranean" section of your larger food stores. OR, you can make it yourself by draining and rinsing a can...
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    Is 38 too old to have another child?

    Hello all of you moms and moms-to-be. My Mom was 41 when she had me, and she was the greatest mom in the world. I had my 5th child at 38-and-10-months (my 1st at 29) and I wouldn't trade any of them for all the gold on this planet. I used a certified nurse midwife for my last 4 births, and by...
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    What's YOUR "Day Job"?

    Hi. I like this post, too! What an eclectic group!:-) I am a research nurse, and I coordinate clinical trials in preventive cardiology. And FYI, if anyone wants the bottom line in preventing heart disease, it's EXERCISE. :-jumpy I also do home health nursing part-time, and during the school...
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    Hey Trevor!!

    RE: Hey LoriS!! Omygosh!!! I went to college in Bloomfield, and my Mom's family used to live in Newark. I'm afraid to ask what street your dad lived on. How long ago did he live there? I haven't been back there in over 20 years. This world is too small! :-wow :-wow :-wow
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    Hey Trevor!!

    RE: Hey fellow Marylanders!! Thank you for the birthday wishes, Ruth. I had a great birthday, and got to celebrate it with family and friends. My husband threw me a surprise party, and I was very surprised! Can't believe you have a 28 year old. More power to you! My children range in age from...