Is 38 too old to have another child?

No, absolutely not! I know that I plan on expanding my family at some point and I will be 37 in a few days. So you can put me right in that 38 and over category. I had my first at 35 and had such a smooth and uncomplicated pregnancy. If you take care of yourself and have a healthy family background, I do not see age being a factor at 38 at all. Ultimately your doctor will be the one who can address this question with you in the most informative and thorough manner. Good Luck to you or whoever you are asking for.
Lots of women at my office and many of my friends have had babies at 38 and over. In fact, my friend just had a baby boy 3 weeks ago at 41. It is very common now to have a baby at this age. I believe some doctors do consider you to be a high-risk pregnancy if you're over 35 (at least they did with my friends) but I don't think that means too much. In fact, I don't think that means anything! Everything comes down to "how well you take care of yourself".

On a side note, I think there are many benefits to having children in your late 30's. Everything about child-rearing comes down to PATIENCE!!!! Something I had none of in my 20's! I'm glad I waited until I was older to start my family.
Absolutely not! I had my second child at (almost)36 and my third child at 39. Everything went smoothly and they are healthy, happy kids. Besides, older men become fathers all the I am usually the oldest mom in my youngest's class, but there are a lot of men that are older. Go for it!!!

[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
I hope not!

I am 41 and am just really starting to think seriously about this - have only been married a little over a year, but I am also concerned about my 'advanced' age and starting a family. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you read this Sheila, are you located in Chapel Hill, NC - I live in Raleigh, used to work at UNC - did I read one time that you guys have a prefertility clinic over there? Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated!

Hi, Colia. I just turned 40 on July 1 and some time this week, we will start trying for our first! (And probably only.) As soon as I told my doctor about this plan, she sent me to a fertility specialist so they could begin testing me "just in case". I've gone for all kinds of blood tests, and they've confirmed that everything is still working properly. I've also been taking folic acid for about 6 months now. So, I guess I don't really have a lot of advice, but you and I are basically in the same boat, I think (you don't have any other kids, right?). I know several other people who have started a family at around this age, and everything has been fine. I think it keeps you younger, longer, too! Good luck to you!
Hello there,

I am no longer in Raleigh, NC. My family and I have moved to Vidalia, GA. It is a very small town in southeast Georgia and quite a change from Raleigh for sure.

The pre-conception counseling clinic is at UNC Chapel Hill. I'm sure that their OB department knows where to refer you. Give them a call.

For the record - I had my first baby at 40 and my second at 43 with no problems whatsoever. I taught my classes right up to the end. Even though the classes that I taught were prenatal aerobics, I still went to the gym and did regular classes and my strength training (with appropriate modifications of course!) Go for it!

Sheila Watkins
Hello all of you moms and moms-to-be.
My Mom was 41 when she had me, and she was the greatest mom in the world. I had my 5th child at 38-and-10-months (my 1st at 29) and I wouldn't trade any of them for all the gold on this planet. I used a certified nurse midwife for my last 4 births, and by the way, my midwife was 47 when she had her last child. Mom and baby were both happy and healthy. My advice, for what it's worth, is that if you are desiring a baby, go for it. :)
I hope not because I just had my first at 38! I plan to add to my family later. My mom had me when she was 42. I think there are definite advantages to having kids later.

I talked to my health insurance early on about my pregnancy, they asked me if I had a high risk pregnancy. I didn't know what defined a high risk pregnancy so I askde. They didn't mention "over 35." So I asked - the person told me that over 35 was not considered high risk and that they had seen many women give birth to healthy babies over 35.
Thanks, everyone, for all the responses. This is very reassuring. I have always wanted to have another child but my husband didn't until recently. He is 6 years older than me. Hopefully I'll be hanging around here allot more soon. Thank you again.

Not too old

Hi, When I turned 37 last year, I started thinking about having a baby. I asked my gynecologist whether it was risky to get pregnant at my age. She told me that the average age of her pregnant patients was 37. However, she encouraged me to get pregnant before I turned 40 because the risks increase then. My doctor is one of the best OB-GYNs in the Washington, DC area, so I have a lot of confidence in her. By the way, when I mentioned the B-A-B-Y word to my spouse, he got me another golden retriever puppy (that makes three of 'em). haha. Isn't that a hoot? We don't have any kids but are happy being childless-by-choice. I like kids, but we realize that we are NOT "good" parent material. We think being a parent is the world's most important job, so we strongly believe only people up to the challenge should be parents! It's an awesome responsibility. Good luck with whatever you decide. Suzanne
Wow- I am surprised at the comments here. I just had my last baby in Jan at age 37 1/2 and all I could think about was the possibility of complications. You certainly can have your first baby at age 38 but the risk of complications does increase after age 35, including the risk of Down's Syndrome. Infertility is also greater as you pass age 35. I am only making these remarks for informational reasons, not to dissuade anyone from having a baby after age 35 (because I did it!) Good luck to you all considering !!
I had my daughter on my 38th birthday. She is 7 months old now and trying to help me type this message. My pregnancy was a little more difficult, but I think this was more because I worked through it. I am a teacher and was on my feet constantly. I had no trouble getting pregnant. I was pregnant 6 weeks after we decided to start trying. My next youngest child is 12. He adores his little sister. She is a delightful addition to our family!!!!
Just my two's an absolute blessing to have a baby at any age. But be a realist. Get prenatal tests so that you know if there are complications. Also realize that you may have a very hard time getting pregnant at all. I have three friends who put off childbirth thinking they had all the time in the world and at 39 or 40 starting trying. None of them has been able to get pregnant. Two of them are OK with being childless (or they eventually got OK with it) and the other adopted. But it was a real ugly experience. I waited kind of late myself (I was 32 and then 35 for second one), so I feel lucky that I didn't have any problems.
RE: Nope

I have a friend who had her first child at 38 and her last at 45. She has three healthy, happy children.

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