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  1. S

    Do I Have To Stop At 60 Years Old?

    Donna, I will be thrilled to retire in 3 years and... ...have time to bicycle around Prospect Park every day with the hubster. And do more yoga, actually get a barbell. Well, reading all those books on my pending shelf would be nice too. It's going to be great. I promise!
  2. S

    Do I Have To Stop At 60 Years Old?

    Donna, I'm 56 and see no end in sight (well, except for the one we all face eventually). When I started a regular exercise program at 37 I guess I thought I wouldn't be able to do it forever, but I'm still making progress. I've always gotten a bit miffed at the cut off year on the charts. If...
  3. S

    Length (timewise) of Slow & Heavy series?

    I'd really like to know the length too. I'm very time-short so it's one of the big factors in choosing tapes.