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  1. K

    epicondilits and how to deal with it ....

    Alicia, I think you should check with your PT before adding finger extensions. I was offering my friend's story mostly as encouragement. His problem was caused by an strength imbalance developed by doing lots of heavy exercises involving gripping with no finger extension work to...
  2. K

    epicondilits and how to deal with it ....

    ***Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, physical therapist, or health care worker, nor am I qualified to treat or diagnose anything!*** I haven't experienced this condition myself, but I have a friend who has dealt with it. successfully. He says he got rid of it by doing finger extensions with...
  3. K

    Rhythmic Step BPMs

    Thanks! That's the info I was looking for. Cheers, Karen
  4. K

    Rhythmic Step BPMs

    Hi, I'm wondering what the maximum tempo of this workout is? I was really disappointed with Step Works -- found the tempo too quick to use full ROM on most moves. I much prefer the speed of MIC step, and Cathe's previous step workouts. So how does Rhythmic Step compare? Thanks in advance...