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  1. K

    Everyone's Due Date

    Hi! I am due August 10th with my first!!
  2. K

    fitness frustrations - looking for company!

    Believe me, I can sypmpathize. The only thing I did during my first trimester was eat crakers and sleep. Just getting a shower wiped me out. I too felt so guilty for not working out. Especially since I used to work out hard almost every day. Just remember, if you don't have the energy to...
  3. K

    Advice on Anorexia?

    Nic, I too went through the same thing when I was 19 until about 21 or 22. I am now 26 and, after a few years of therapy, I have recovered. I know exactly how you feel with structuring your day so rigidly so that nothing can interfere with your workouts or eating habits. It really helps to...
  4. K

    Calorie Content Warning/Bars, Shakes, etc.

    The total calories stayed the same. I guess in the original label, they accounted for the calories glycerine added but omitted the carbohydrates it added.
  5. K

    Calorie Content Warning/Bars, Shakes, etc.

    There are two new flavors of Pure Protein bars that just came out with the revised labeling. They break down the carbs according to whether they come from glycerine or not. However, the TOTAL amount is listed on the nutrition facts label. You'll be quite surprised at the difference it makes...