fitness frustrations - looking for company!


Hi all!

I'm in my first trimester with my second and have found it nearly impossible to work out more than 2 times (maybe 3) a week. Usually I run for cardio and do Cathe for weights and I am soooooo tired! Also experiencing the joys of bloating etc. Chasing a 2 year old all day certainly doesn't help. I've just had a hard time mentally adjusting to these changes. I'm so used to trying to increase my mileage, up my poundage and eat clean that this is really tough just mentally. It's very frustrating . I did workout through my last pregnancy and this will get better, but until then - uggghhhh!

How are all the rest of you doing with your fitness? Just knowing I'm not alone would help! Thanks:)
Hang in there! I was not only tired my first trimester but also naseaus. My fitness level dropped off during that time. I just did what my body would allow me to do without overdoing it. By the second trimester things were much better and I was able to increase my frequency of exercising. I was just as discouraged as you, so you're not alone! Just remember to listen to your body and don't do too much. I'm at 36 weeks now and still exercising 3 or 4 times a week and feel great!

Believe me, I can sypmpathize. The only thing I did during my first trimester was eat crakers and sleep. Just getting a shower wiped me out. I too felt so guilty for not working out. Especially since I used to work out hard almost every day. Just remember, if you don't have the energy to work out, it is your body's way of telling you that you need to rest.

I am now in my second trimester and have so much energy I don't know what to do with it. I started working out again and I feel much better now. So, just give your body a rest and when it's ready to get going again, it will let you know.

When are you due?
I'm due the middle of October, so I figure I have about a month of fatigue left. It's actually not as bad as it was with #1. I'm also extremely bloated and gassy, which does NOT help:)

I'm due in the middle of October too and I HEAR ya about the bloating and the gas. I also agree that I'm not AS tired as my first. Maybe it's because I'm so busy chasing after my 13 month old that I don't have time to think about it. I do end up falling into bed almost as soon as my son goes to sleep around 8pm.

I am keeping up with my workouts so far, but I'm CONSTANTLY hungry. I'm trying hard to make better choices, but sometimes the Breyers wins. Right now, I'm doing a CTX rotation and modifying as needed. I did Rhythmic Step recently and found that it's pretty easy to keep grounded and Power Hour feels perfect. My joints are already starting to feel a little clumsy so I'm not going to attempt any impact. Luckily you can still manage a great workout with a Cathe tape without ever leaving the ground.

Keep checking in here. I'd love to know how you are doing. How old is your first baby?
Hi! I am also pregnant with my second and have a 2 year old (almost!) running around, so I definitely know where you're coming from. I am just starting week 26 and am feeling fine now, but during weeks 6-12, I was so sick and exhausted, it took more energy than I had just to get out of bed let alone take care of my son all day. Around week 12 I slowly started to feel better and started to ease back into exercise. Now I'm back up to 5 sessions a week and I'm feeling great. Hang in there, it WILL get better!


My first, a girl, is two and a half. Very busy! I can't believe you're hungry all the time even when you're bloated! My stomach will be growling but I have to force myself to eat because I always feel like I've consumed a Thanksgiving feast. Last pregnancy I was queasy, not bloated. I managed two workouts last week - one run and Power Hour. My body just feels like a dead weight all the time and I simply won't push myself right now. It makes me too cranky and tired to deal with my daughter. I'll set the alarm again tomorrow and try to run!
Boy am I glad to hear that others are struggling through the 1st trimester too! I'm just starting my 10th week (due Oct 7th) and I have drastically cut back on my workouts just to survive the 1st trim. I am just now beginning to workout regularly again and even that is very modified. Weeks 6 thru 10 were plain old ugly between "tossing my cookies" all the time and feeling like I constantly needed a nap. It was hard to even keep up with my other 2 kids. This is my 3rd and at 37 it seems harder than my other 2. However, things are getting better. I no longer have to eat in the middle of the night and I'm keeping most of my meals down. Of course all that throwing up did not stop my butt from getting bigger! :)
Hi! It's such a relief to find this forum and this thread. I'm in my 7th week of my first pregnancy, and I feel like I have the flu. I have no energy, have aches and pains, and feel bloated and queasy or downright nauseous most of the time. It's definitely not easy to exercise when you feel you might suddenly lose your lunch. And it helps to hear that there are other people going through the same thing.

So now I know that I'm not just slacking off when I can't reach even half the intensity I did just a few weeks ago before I was pregnant. That's so frustrating! And I don't feel so bad about the times when I can't seem to face working out at all. And I'm not just going crazy when I can only sleep a couple of hours at a time or have to get up in the middle of the night to eat Wasa crackers. (My husband thinks I'm going crazy, I suspect.)

I'm also glad to hear from people further along that these symptoms go away. I guess we just have to hang in there!:)


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