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    Adrienne, Hi, I just bought a book called "Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell After Pregnancy" and it's great, it explains everything about weight loss/fat loss after and what you should be doing etc. The author is Debra Waterhouse and you can get it at Amazon, hope this helps.
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    fitness magazines

    RE: what happened to fit Thanks for the info, you just saved me $17 lol, I would like to see a Cathe newsletter/magazine too, that would be great! :)
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    fitness magazines

    RE: what happened to fit Faythe, Hi, I liked that one too...I guess their not getting enough subscritions....I saw an ad for Engery magazine for women, does anyone subscibe to this and do you like it? Thanks.
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    fitness magazines

    RE: I heard they went under honeybunch, I'm with you, they really should of notified us, Walking magazine did that when they went out of biz, gave me the option of receiving Cooking Light instead or getting my money back. I chose CL but still haven't seen it yet lol.
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    fitness magazines

    >I was wondering whatever happened to >my Fit Magazine subscription. >I too just stopped receiving >it. I tried the >800 number and it just >keeps ringing or I get >a busy signal. The >only other thing I know >is the publisher is Goodman >Media Group, Inc. 419 Park >Avenue, South...
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    fitness magazines

    >I was wondering whatever happened to >my Fit Magazine subscription. >I too just stopped receiving >it. I tried the >800 number and it just >keeps ringing or I get >a busy signal. The >only other thing I know >is the publisher is Goodman >Media Group, Inc. 419 Park >Avenue, South...
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    fitness magazines

    >I read all of these fitness >magazines, too, but I have >to admit I'm getting really >sick of "advertorials" for Hydroxycut! >And ads for other supplements >are getting almost as bad. > > >My question is, whatever happened to >"Fit" magazine (not "Fitness")? >All of a sudden I...
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    fitness magazines

    Hi, I read M&F Hers, Shape, Fitness, Fit, Health, Prevention, and Self. I like all of these, I totally agree about Oxygen, it is an advertisement for Hydroxycut, it almost made me want to take it and it's the most expensive one. :)
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    acceptable forms of chocolate?

    Hi, here are some websites that my friend sent to me, I just ordered a ton of stuff from them, they have lots of sugar free chocolate treats. also try the Aktins website, they have great stuff too. Hope this helps
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    Does anyone take Xenadrine or Hydroxycut?

    RE: Hydroxycut I23, Hi, sorry you had a bad experience, I probably would of too from what I hear, I get jacked up if I go over 1 cup of coffee. I'm glad you stopped before anything serious happened, I think I will pass on taking it too, thanks guys.
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    Does anyone take Xenadrine or Hydroxycut?

    Stacy & Kristina, Hi, thanks for replying. Stacy, I know a couple of people who were taking them and they said it worked for them but it was only a few people. Kristina, Hi, I think your right, I guess I just wanted a fast way to go lol. You know it's funny that you mentioned about gaining...
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    Does anyone take Xenadrine or Hydroxycut?

    I tend to be a "hyper" person and need to lose some weight, I keep hearing how great these products are and was wondering if anyone on here with an anxiety problem has taken them, and how they felt while on them...thanks so much for any replies.
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    new firm video set

    RE:New Firms--any more info? Jeni, Hi, not sure about the new Firms quality but I just purchased Firm's Maximum Body Shaping in the new LP format and it seems fine and my VCR isn't an expensive one, hope this helps. :)
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    new firm video set

    RE: If.... Debbie, Hi, glad to know I'm not the only one. ;)
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    Another LBS ?

    Hi everyone, please let me know how this works for all of you, I need a lower body rotation bad, thanks.
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    Another LBS ?

    Hi everyone, please let me know how this works for all of you, I need a lower body rotation bad, thanks.
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    new firm video set

    Hi new here, I guess I'm the weird one lol, I actually pre-ordered the new Firms and Anna's tapes, I also love Cathe and Billy Blanks :0 lol. I think I have an exercise video addiction anyway lol, oh well, just wanted to say that I like the Firms, Cathe and Billy. :) Take care.