Does anyone take Xenadrine or Hydroxycut?


I tend to be a "hyper" person and need to lose some weight, I keep hearing how great these products are and was wondering if anyone on here with an anxiety problem has taken them, and how they felt while on them...thanks so much for any replies.
Hi. I know someone who has some anxiety issues and didnt do well on these meds. Also, was wondering where you had gotten your info, b/c from things I've read these products are a scam just like most others.

Yes, I have. Metabolife, Xenadrine, Hydroxycut, all pretty much slightly different variations of the same theme. You have to be very careful to follow dosing instructions. If you overuse, you can overtax your adrenal glands and end up GAINING. Also, the labels themselves indicate anyone with anxiety, depression, heart problems, hypertension, and a number of other issues should NOT take the product without consulting a physician. I don't think if you are hyper you should take these products. They contain ephedrine and caffeine. Also, in my experience average weight loss is pretty minimal- 5 to 10 pounds. You might consider other products on the market that do not contain (ma huang) ephedrine or caffeine. Some of my friends, especially the slender ones, report feeling really jittery and "jacked up." I think these products have a place, but only if you educate yourself and take the products responsibly. You sound like maybe you are not the best candidate for these course of therapy. IMHO.

I tried Hydroxycut a few years ago. I'm a small person (5') and didn't need to lose a whole lot so I cut the recommended starter dosage in half. I still got an awful headache and couldn't sleep at night. So I didn't eat as much because I felt awful, but I couldn't exercise (or do much else but lay on the couch!) either b/c I felt like I'd pass out. I stopped after 2 days. So it didn't work for me - I'm mad that I wasted my money and put something like that in my body just to lose weight!
Stacy & Kristina, Hi, thanks for replying.

Stacy, I know a couple of people who were taking them and they said it worked for them but it was only a few people.

Kristina, Hi, I think your right, I guess I just wanted a fast way to go lol. You know it's funny that you mentioned about gaining, I was having headaches for some time and had to take Excedrin (only thing that works for me) and that has caffeine in it, I ended up gaining weight without changing anything. I thought that that may be the culprit but my diet counselor told me it was ridiculous, thanks for proving me right. :)
RE: Hydroxycut

I23, Hi, sorry you had a bad experience, I probably would of too from what I hear, I get jacked up if I go over 1 cup of coffee. I'm glad you stopped before anything serious happened, I think I will pass on taking it too, thanks guys.
RE: Hydroxycut

I have to give you all credit for not taking this stuff on a regular basis. I on the other hand, think I am addicted! I have to have caffeine to get out of bed and it's quicker and easier for me to pop one of the fat burners. I know I need to stop because it's just not healthy. Any suggestions for me to kick this terrible habit? :) I try to get enough sleep during the week, but it doesn't always work.
RE: Hydroxycut

Dawn, maybe you should consult your doctor. Quitting these drugs may not be as easy as giving up coffee. You don't want to shock your system by suddenly quitting if you think you are addicted.

just a thought, good luck!

RE: Cutting off

Hey Dawn. My suggestions to you are:

1. Remember this is a medication, first and foremost. Put your pills in your medicine cabinet to reinforce that, if you don't already.
2. Remember also that this product, even following weekly dosing, is only supposed to be used for 14-16 weeks. Then you have to take a break for at least 4 weeks.
3. Instead of just quitting, reduce your dosage slowly. EG If you take one a day, cut down to one every other, than every third. Gradually reduce your load until you can get off it.
4. Try substituting a product that doesn't have ephedrine while you are coming off, if you absolutely have to. Gatorade bars and tons of energy bars out there might help out for sugar, though. Another idea: Switch to half decalf, half regular coffee. Make it the night before, and just toss back a shot in the morning instead of taking the pill. This pretty much cured me of my coffee need after a few weeks. Note also my doc says apples give you better morning energy than caffeine. Hmmmm.
5. Be prepared to feel crappy the first few weeks.
6. If you do not take a vitamin supplement, do so during your quitting period and for the first few weeks after. Get one with lots of B12. At a minimum, consider just taking a B12 supplement. Gynsing can be a good alternative to ephedrine, BUT I find it hard on my stomach.


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