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  1. B

    Please help me

    I just read your message...I am so sorry your life is upside down right now and I hope you can relax with the Yoga!!!! Keep your head up as this too shall pass! Just wanted you to know someone was thinking of you!
  2. B

    Recommend new tapes

    I have gotten back into my tapes after a 2 year last purchase was Firm's Boot Camp...would anyone recommend any new tape they LOVE???? I love Cathe and the Firm and am open to all suggestions...also, how do I get Collage's website?
  3. B

    Gallbladder and weight loss

    Very quick weight loss also can cause gall bladder problems!!!!I had mine out when I was starving myself down to 112lbs from 130's so be careful with weight loss as well!!! The surgery was not too bad...I tried to return to work in two days and walked a little funny!!!!! Good luck to you..
  4. B

    Need a good 30-40min video

    I am embarrassed but which tape is C/S/T? I have all those tapes you mentioned ie Kathe Smith and Gin Millers, so thank you for the suggestions!!!! I really feel like I am still an intermediate as I run with the dog everyday and kind of kept in shape!!!!!
  5. B

    38 1/2 weeks and miserable

    Ask your doctor to "strip your membranes" at your next hurts but done all the time at 38 wks and usually helps bring on labor in about 2-3 days...I have heard of a herbal medication which also induces labor,,,one of my fellow nursing friends took and it worked however I would never...
  6. B

    Exercising post-miscarriage

    RE: I'm so sorry! Thank you , I really hope you are healing from your loss as well! It is so nice to know women really do understand each other and are so supportive. Amazingly, one of my MD's said to wait 1 cycle, the other said 2-3!!!! Go figure!!!!! If we get pregnant at the same time...
  7. B

    Exercising post-miscarriage

    I had to have a D&C the 22nd of December, I was 9 wks, but the baby was only 7 wks...emotionally it is tough...anyway, I am back at my video tapes full force now and feel much better, as I hope you question for you is when did your MD advise you to try again????
  8. B

    Need a good 30-40min video

    I have finally gotten back into working out after having my first child 2 yrs ago!!! I get up early for work and need suggestions for shorter tapes you like that would give me a good workout...Cathe is alot harder now that I am out of shape cardiowise!!!!!!!!!! Ouch!!!!
  9. B

    weight gain on Paxil

    I'm a nurse practitoner and have found people can lose weight on Prozac but gain on Paxil....Paxil is more for anxiety though and Prozac is for depression although they are both SSRI's...