Search results

  1. J

    Nitro-Tech powder

    Hi Rachel. I tried the Nitro-Tech shakes and literally could not drink them. It tasted like powdered water with maybe a little choc. taste. I threw the whole thing away, and wasted about $30.00. Maybe the vanilla flavor would have been better because you could add fruit if you wanted to. I hope...
  2. J

    Tae Bo advice

    I would highly recommend the Get Ripped Series. I have alot of his other tapes and well as the orginial ones. The Get Ripped series (both of them) are very challenging but are done in a more controlled manner. His first tapes are so fast, that you cannot do them correctly. Like someone...
  3. J

    Cutting back on sugar, flour,...

    RE: Don't eliminate those carbs just yet.. Hi Bobbi, I'm pretty new to this site and Cathe and love reading all the helpful info. I totally agree with what you are saying about diets. So many people drive themselves crazy about what to eat(only protein, no carbs, no fat) it's crazy. My thoughts...
  4. J

    Question about chest flyes in S&H

    Hi Cathe. I have been doing your P/S tapes for a few weeks and have gotten great results, so I purchased your S&H tapes for added variety. My question is on the chest flyes. On the P/S tapes your form was to have your palms facing each other, but on the S&H tapes your hands are angled. Do you do...
  5. J


    I would like these rotations. Thanks so much. My email is [email protected]
  6. J

    Running check-in 2/25

    Hey everyone. I'm new to Cathe's tapes and this site and I am loving them. I workout regularly with some type of cardio(45-60 min.) and weights, but have just started running. I run now 2-2 1/2 miles a couple times a week and would like to increase my distance. I'm just wondering how long it...
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    Supplement questions

    Lynn, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to check out the EAS website. Thanks again, Jen
  8. J

    Supplement questions

    Thanks for all the advice. I do have a question for Lynn. It is regarding EAS products. What about Phen-Free. It contains Synephrine,which is suppose to be less stimulating and safer. Do you know anything about this. I do not have any problems with caffeine. Thanks for the advice. I would like...
  9. J

    Supplement questions

    Cathe, I would just like to say that I love your P/S series. I never knew I could get such a great workout at home. I have a question about supplements. I workout almost everyday with cardio and weights but would like a little more definition. I see many ads for supplement use. Do they really work?
  10. J

    cardio tape suggestions

    I have just started doing Cathe's P/S series and love them. I am interested in her cardio tapes,any suggestions? I do cardio 5-6 days a week(jogging, walking, biking, other step tapes) Thanks for the suggestions.