Search results

  1. C

    Is Cathe's wedding video for advanced only?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm hoping to get good results with Cathe. I can't wait to do the wedding video.
  2. C

    Is Cathe's wedding video for advanced only?

    According to Paula Z, you must already be in great shape to do this video and she said that the step work is advanced. I was going to get this video to get adjusted to Cathe's style before I get CTX. I'm in good shape but step work is new to me with the exception of the Firm.
  3. C

    Where can I find low priced equipment?

    Thanks for the replies. My husband does not understand why I purchase workout videos etc. He thinks it is a waste of money, so I try to buy a little at a time. The Cathe DVDs are more than I usually pay for workout DVDs but I'm sure are worth it. When he sees results he will change his mind...
  4. C

    What is the best cathe video to start with?

    I'm choreography challenged. What is the best video to learn Cathe's moves? I'm getting CTX but I'm sure it will be too advanced for me.
  5. C

    Where can I find low priced equipment?

    I know with Cathe I will need a step and a barbell. I have lots of dumbells. Does anyone know where I can purchase these inexpensively? Thanks.
  6. C

    Can only afford to get one DVD at a time.

    Thanks for the replies. I think I will save and get CTX. Later on I will get another strength training DVD. Thanks for the rotation suggestion. I will print it out and use it when I get CTX. I really like Cathe. She is an instructor that I can relate to. Her exercises are super tough but...
  7. C

    New to Cathe

    Can anyone suggest where I should start? I prefer DVDs. I have Pure Strength but have not done it yet. I can only afford to purchase one DVD at a time, so I want to make the wisest decision.
  8. C


    LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-02 AT 11:59AM (Est)[p]I would like the rotations please. Thank you. [email protected]
  9. C


    I would like the rotations please. Thank you.
  10. C

    Can only afford to get one DVD at a time.

    So far I have the Pure Strength DVD. I'm wondering what I should get next. I've thought about getting CTX. If I do, I don't know how I should put together a routine using only CTX and PS. Any suggestions would be nice. Thanks.
  11. C

    Can you have flat abs after a C-section?

    I know this may be for pregnant women, but I really need help. Four years ago I had abdominal surgery during my third pregnancy. I was cut like a C-Section. It was an exploratory laparotomy. I can't get rid of the pouch. I always had flat abs before. I bounced right back after the first...
  12. C

    Firm videos

    I'm selling my Firm videos on Ebay and I have not tried Cathe videos yet but wondered if they are as effective or more so than the Firm? You may email me privately if you wish. I want to switch over to DVD.