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  1. S

    Increase muscle in abs

    Sharon, I'm interested in Cathe's opinion about weighted ab work. I asked a similar question on the General Forum a few months ago and not a single person replied, oddly enough. I figured I'd just try it out and started using resistance along with a little hi-rep ab work and have been...
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    weighted ab work

    I've seen several articles lately in fitness magazines about weighted ab work. I usually only do the ab work at the end of my Cathe videos (usually about 4 days a week), but I was wondering what everyone thinks about weighted ab work. It sounds like (from what I've read) that weighted work...
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    New Firms

    Jacque, I'm not sure why you don't use Super Sculpting and TBSM, but if it's because they're too easy, then the new ones will be VERY easy for you. I have both of the above tapes (and don't use them too often either b/c I like Cathe so much more) and I ordered the kit before it was released...
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    How do you do cardio in the morning?

    Lori, I did this exact schedule (up at 3am to be at work at 6) one year and it was just really hard to get to bed on time in the evenings. I applaud you! I got some suspicious looks while running at 3:30 AM. My motivation then (and now since I still work out early in the mornings) is that I...
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    I don't like the look of this

    Kath, I was alarmed when my pants didn't fit shortly after I started doing heavy (example: 50 lb squats) lower body work. I am certain now, a few months later, that this was swelling in the muscles. I was not dieting and didn't change anything in my cardio routine during this time (nor did I...
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    Martial arts and upper body lifting

    Thanks Donna. I think once I get more used to each individual video that I'll get less sore and won't see it as an upper body workout in itself.
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    Pilates Ab Workouts?

    Good question! I'm interested in what others have to say here too--all the Pilates tapes I have are too long to tack on to another video and contain no planks.
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    Martial arts and upper body lifting

    When I'm planning my workouts for the week, I often hesitate to put Cardiokicks or Powerstrike videos right after an upperbody weight day. This is now causing a problem because I'm doing an endurance rotation and I'm lifting lighter, but more often for the upper body. I'm having a hard time...
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    Clean eating and headache

    I shouldn't have said "so low". :-) I guess I was thinking the combination of such low calories and 48% carbs looked painful to me. I don't know my exact ratios because I don't track my food intake precisely. My guess was my quick addition of what i'd eaten in the last few days. Perhaps I...
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    Body Improvements

    My arms have really gotten strong and visibly more cut. My chest has more meat to it as well now (in a good way). My quads have grown unbelievably hard and big as my pants fit tight the day after I work legs, but I run regularly so I'm assuming that will counter the bulking I'm seeing. I...
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    Why don't I have a little head next to my username??

    Hi Robin, I'm pretty new to this forum, so I'm not sure this will work, but it's my best guess. Go to the "Lobby" or the page you see when you first click on "forums". Click on "User" something (can't look now and I forgot) at the top of the column in the left hand corner above the lists of...
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    Re: Muscle Fitness Hers

    That is so funny about Shape--I've always thought the same thing! They also constantly get letters from readers about waif models, but then they continue to use super models on their cover and in the magazines. There are some useful bits of info in Shape but the models are just all wrong. I...
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    Clean eating and headache

    I get headaches when I don't eat enough carbs and I definitely would get them if I only ate 1600 calories. (i maintain a good weight with 2000-2200 but I do a lot of running, so maybe that's high) I don't know about others, but I wouldn't say clean eating needs to mean such a low levels of...
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    Re: Muscle Fitness Hers

    RE: And another thing Good point about the timing of the photos. They are at competition weight and many fitness models go to great (and dangerous) lengths to look like that temporarily. Many (not all!) take diuretics and laxatives to squeeze out every last bit of water so they look more cut...
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    Most Hardest/Grueling Ab Workout? (poll)

    Great--I'll try doing the moves more often. I think the reason I don't do it more often is that the videos I have are long. I need to just do a few moves or parts of the videos and it won't seem like such a time-consuming thing.
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    Most Hardest/Grueling Ab Workout? (poll)

    Beets, How often do you think Pilates should be done to see the results you speak of? I agree that Pilates do wonderful, different things for the abs, but I don't do a Pilates video more than once a week. How often are you (and others) doing them? Thanks! Ginger
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    Not built for t-bar rows?

    Oh, by the way, when I said "around the bar with the end with no weights on it" in my initial post, I was talking about the end of the bar at the floor. I see why you thought I was talking about using it with no weights as a bodybar. It's hard to describe this stuff in words!
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    Not built for t-bar rows?

    Karen, I keep 1/2 the weight I have on the top of the barbell on the bottom. I have a 15lb barbell to which I usually add 20lbs up top and I keep a 10lb plate on the bottom to act as an anchor. Your contraption made me laugh. :-) I came up with the wall idea when my barbell slid right up...
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    Not built for t-bar rows?

    The suggestions listed so far are great so I thought i'd add a bit about T-bar rows since I used to have problems too. I'd say a 5' barbell is very important--it would hurt to do them with a shorter barbell. The best thing I did was wrap a towel around the end of the barbell with no weights...
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    What is your favorite pilates video?

    I'd say the same thing about Precision Toning: boring but effective. I've never had anything work my deepest lower ab muscles like that tape does. Just curious: how often do you (anyone) do Pilates? Do you use it as a strength workout, an ab workout, or on a day off?