Martial arts and upper body lifting


When I'm planning my workouts for the week, I often hesitate to put Cardiokicks or Powerstrike videos right after an upperbody weight day. This is now causing a problem because I'm doing an endurance rotation and I'm lifting lighter, but more often for the upper body. I'm having a hard time sticking kickboxing in my schedule. FYI--I'm VERY uncoordinated so this is my only video cardio. My regular cardio is running with kickboxing and road cycling for crosstraining.

Does anyone else worry about this? I realize kickboxing is not resistance training, so maybe it shouldn't matter. I've never used soreness (at least that caused by lactic acid buildup) as a determinate as it is quite variable depending on how much i stretch and how well I'm eating.

Just curious what the consensus is regarding structuring upper body weights and kickboxing.


Hi Ginger,

I often schedule kickboxing either on the same day or day after upper body weight work. It may not bother me because kickboxing is such a regular part of my weekly rotation, but every now and then I do sense an increased soreness depending on which upper body weight series I am currently doing. Such as S&H, I will feel the jabs/punches a little more during that rotation, but I notice no soreness at all while rotating it with MIS, PH, or PS Series.
Thanks Donna. I think once I get more used to each individual video that I'll get less sore and won't see it as an upper body workout in itself.

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