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  1. L

    Heard Of Juice Plus?

    Hi all, I've been reading some literature on this whole food supplement and am considering it for my family. One of my kids is a very picky eater and this hopefully will help with his nutritional needs. I'm just wondering if any of you take it or have heard of it and what you think of it. I...
  2. L

    Should I add more weight?

    Hope this doesn't sound vain but I'm trying to work on impoving the looks of this old bod. Been on a 1,200 cal. diet for 6 weeks to try and loose 5-10# mostly on thighs, hips, and around the waist. I ran all last year trying to get rid of cellulite on thights with no luck. So I cleaned up my...
  3. L

    Need advise on which to buy?

    Hi, I'm looking for a new video for Weight Training. I only have dumpbells and I would like to know which one might work best with that. I'm not a heavy lifter "Yet". Been doing mainly Karen Voight's Great Weighted workout, and some of the Firms stuff. Which one of Cathe's would you recommend...
  4. L

    Joint problems

    I posted this before but it didn't show up. If this is a repeat, sorry. You might look into Essential Oils as a remidy. This site will help you learn about them. Good Luck, Lora
  5. L

    Joint problems

    You might look into Essential Oils I Just started hearing about this. A good website for some information about it is Good luck. Lora
  6. L

    Essental Oils?

    Dear Cathe, It's me again with one other question. This diet recommend we take the Essental Oils. I'm using an organic blend made by Omega Nutrition. I take about 1-T. that is 120 cal. I'm wondering what you think of taking these. Thanks, Lora PS I also take Vit. E and the Costco vit/min...
  7. L

    Calorie Expendeture?

    Dear Cathe or anyone, I'm on a PRISM diet right now which is 1200 calories. I'm using your Step Heat workout and am wondering how many calories I'm burning. I know it depends on how intensly I work out. My heart rate is way above what I should be for my age. 130 and I'm almost 50. But my heart...