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  1. D

    Saving favorites

    I have started a spreadsheet too. I use a Samsung tablet. I have a google stick. Maybe I can try that
  2. D

    Saving favorites

    I just signed up for this. Is there a way to save favorites or somehow records which ones you have reviewed? There are so many!
  3. D

    Which Kickbox to order?

    Thanks after looking at the clips I just ordered Rockout Sockout. It looks fast which is what I like
  4. D

    Which Kickbox to order?

    Thanks I will check out the 7 day free trial
  5. D

    Which Kickbox to order?

    I already have Kick Max and looking for something more challenging. Which is the best to order?
  6. D

    Time on Pyramid Upper Body

    What is the total weight lifting time on the Pyramid Upper Body tape?
  7. D

    Hamstring pain

    Well, that's not what I wanted to hear but since 3 of you say it, I guess I'll have to go to the doctor. I need to have my EKG double checked and I have been putting that off too, so I guess I can kill two birds here ( I hope). Thanks for your input. By the way, it's been a while since I have...
  8. D

    Hamstring pain

    Dear Cathe, Last fall I added your Maximum Intensity Strength lower body workout to my routine, twice a week. (I had already been doing the upper body for about a year). After about 2 months though, I started getting bad hamstring pain. I added more hamstring work since your routine seemed...