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  1. B

    Tired all the time

    Hi Debbi! You didn't mention whether you had already seen your doctor regarding your sleepiness. If not, a physical would be the best place to start to make sure everything is in order physically. I am always tired too, but rarely do I feel I could fall asleep at my desk. I'm 38 with...
  2. B

    Star in yoga

    I've recently been researching different styles of Yoga too and never realized how many differences there are. My interest is in combining the relaxation benefits of Yoga with building strength and muscle. Ashtanga or Power Yoga was what I found could give me those benefits. This is the style...
  3. B

    OT: Free cosmetics

    Have you ever heard of Arbonne products? My skin is also very oily and these products have improved my skin soooo much! And, my skin is not so oily anymore. I can honestly say at 38 my skin looks the best it has in years. Plus, their products do not contain any mineral oil or petroleum...
  4. B

    Muscle above to the side of glut. max

    How did you develop the "dancer dent"? I do not have this but would like to! Thank You!