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  1. J

    The Terminator!

    Well, one vote for the Imax Extreme, the rest for the Gaunlet. I have heard a lot about The Gaunlet. I'll probably decide like I decide all my workouts. Right before I do one, then I pick it out! Jodi
  2. J

    The Terminator!

    I was dumb and did not get this in the pre-sale. BUT, I did just get if off the swap. So which one is the best one to do first? All of them scare me, but Friday night I'm going to try one. So, which is the least intimidating of the three? Jodi
  3. J

    IMAX-2 too difficult??

    I did this for the first time last week and also kept my step at 4 inches. I made it through and loved it! I think I will keep my step at 4 inches for awhile on this one. Jodi
  4. J

    Need some advice from ya all...

    When he says your "doing the dead". Tell him your "dieing for more". (I know, corny)
  5. J

    Need some advice from ya all...

    My husbands father is a mortician. I'll have to ask him some good lines. One that comes to mind is.. People are dieing to get in! Not sure if that will work in your situation, though.
  6. J

    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    It's shocking to realize there are still people like that in this world. Yes, my mouth fell open when I read that. jodi
  7. J

    ? about PS Back work

    I do my workouts in our basement. It was an unfinished basement and I would rest the barbell against the wall. This solved the problem. Now my husband has spent the past few months refinishing the basement with dry-walled, painted and baseboard trimmed walls. I don't dare rest the bottem of...
  8. J

    Is it my DVD player or the DVD?

    Has anyone else experienced this? When I use the Slow/Heavy DVD I have noticed lately this green blob in the lower right hand corner that fades in and out. Its not real big and does not interfer with the way the DVD works, but I have never noticed this before. I didn't notice it on the CTX...
  9. J

    ? about PS Back work

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 06:18PM (Est)[p]Shaz...thats my problem exactly!! The back of the barbell doesn't stay still. Even if I put weights on it. I may try the dumbbell suggestion. Does anyone else have this problem with the barbell? If so, how do you keep the barbell from coming up...
  10. J

    ? about PS Back work

    The first exercise on the PS Back segment is T-Bar rows which I find awkward to do. Is there another exercise that I can substitute that would hit the same muscles? Thanks, Jodi
  11. J

    SNM -- NEW DVD is not working

    One nice thing about buying DVDs direct from Cathe, they are guarnteed for life.
  12. J


    Wow, I didn't know such things existed. I would love to learn more about these clocks too. Where can you find one? Anyone know? Jodi
  13. J

    What did Tracie Long have to go through?

    I seem to remember someone saying she dropped 20 pounds below her normal weight in order to not look too big on video. I think I read this at the old Firm Forum awhile ago. Jodi
  14. J

    Anyone tried "Zumba" videos?????

    Go over the There is a long thread going over there about these videos. Jodi