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  1. L

    Leaner Legs

    Hi Everyone!! I just tried Leaner Legs today from the CTX Series. My legs and butt are killing me!!!!! I know I'll be hurting tomorrow, but want to continue to workout. Any suggestions on what to do for tomorrow's workout?? Maybe a cardio workout?? I'd appreciate anyones 2 cents. Thanks!
  2. L

    Cathe are you out there?

    RE: Equipment needed! that's what I did, and I'm disappointed, because the thing I like about Cathe is the fact that you don't have to purchase too much equipment, but the medicine ball and stability ball thing is getting to be too much.
  3. L

    Cathe are you out there?

    Hey Cathe are you out there???? How much more equipment will we need for you new videos. I read the descriptions and looks like we need more than just the step and free weights.
  4. L

    Need some advice

    I'm looking to lose about 8 to 10 pounds. I was using the Firm videos faithfully, but felt like I was bulking up and getting no where....anyway, I bought Cathe's MIC and Cardio Kicks and love them, I feel like I'm getting a decent workout. I have also purchased the CTX series, and love them...
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    Just Curious

    Cathe, You appear to be very petite, I'm just wondering how tall you are and how much you weigh.
  6. L

    CTX Series

    Thanks everyone for your input on the Cross Train Express Series. I just got the videos and have tried 2 of them, and my arms are killing me!!! I love the videos, glad I invested in them. I use to be an addicted Firm believer, but since discovering Cathe, I'm done with the Firm. Cathe is...
  7. L

    Cross Train Express Series

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 08:32PM (Est)[p]Just another question about the aerobics section....I know they are short, but are they challenging enough?
  8. L

    Cross Train Express Series

    Thanks, I just ordered it, looking forward to checking it out. Sounds like a good rotation. Thanks again!!! Anymore opinions are welcomed!!
  9. L

    Cross Train Express Series

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has bought the Cross Train Express series, and how'd you like it?