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  1. H

    Why can't I lose weight?

    I don't know if this is true in your case, but I've heard that when you don't eat enough, you don't lose weight because your body fights it. It might be worthwhile for a week or two to calculate the calories you eat and use up through exercise. I'm doing Weight Watchers, I work out less...
  2. H

    Danger Zone

    On the funny side of things, I like the Weight Watchers quote about being hungry in the evening that I saw somewhere: "If all else fails, go to bed!" Hélène
  3. H

    I was so excited!!!!!!

    I'm Canadian too and I also love Blue Rodeo! Lucky you! Where in Canada do you live? I'm in Barrie, Ontario. Anyone else from my neck of the woods? Hélène
  4. H

    So disappointed...

    Judy, I have knee problems too and can no longer do step videos. Sigh!!! I know how you're feeling. It's tough giving up on something you love doing. I also have Cathe videos I haven't ever done and I have promised myself that their day will come! I'm hoping I'll be able to do step workouts...
  5. H

    Knee injury - and anxiously awaiting Intensity DVDs!

    Sue, I hurt my knee last August doing a step video and still can't do one without re-injuring my knee. I've now got orthotics which you might want to consider. If the reason you hurt your knee in the first place is caused by misalignment of your gait, orthotics can help. Another thing that...
  6. H

    Weight Watchers

    According to the Weight Watchers website, the chances of success are higher when you attend meetings and get weighed in at a center. For my money, I want to have the maximum chances of success! I recently joined as well and going to meetings isn't convenient but it's like working out: it's not...
  7. H


    I need to get orthotics a.s.a.p. cause I just can't stand not being able to work out anymore! I've tried everything else because of the cost but nothing works. So I'm just gonna bite the bullet and fork out $ I don't have! Yea for credit... There are different methods of "measuring" for...
  8. H


    I need to get orthotics a.s.a.p. cause I just can't stand not being able to work out anymore! I've tried everything else because of the cost but nothing works. So I'm just gonna bite the bullet and fork out $ I don't have! Yea for credit... There are different methods of "measuring" for...