Search results

  1. E

    Pudding - "a clean food"?

    Sometimes after dinner, I have a 1/2 cup of Jello pudding made with 1% milk and sprinkle some Fiber One on top and also a little flax seed. It's delicious, but is pudding considered a "clean food"?
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    Re: Fingers Swollen?

    For the past year and 1/2, I've noticed that my fingers, especially my ring finger on my left hand, have been swollen. I find it difficult to take my wedding band and engagement ring on and off. My diet is clean, stay away from salt and even have this problem even when it's not that time of...
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    Fitnessfreak366, August '05 Bootcamp?

    Hi: I've been reading your rotations for a while and wanted to tell you that they all look great. You're extremely dedicated to Cathe's workouts and can tell by the pictures you posted, you look awesome. I've preferred never to try rotations because I don't like to stick with a plan of...
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    Re: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000

    Does anyone do this DVD or any of Jari Love's DVDs? Do you like them?
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    Re: Names of Songs in Body Max 2 - Circuits

    Does anyone know the names of the songs in Body Max 2 - Circuits 1 or 2 - I think it's "Castles in the Clouds" but not certain. I just love that song and can't seem to find it on I-Tunes.
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    Drill Max Clip does not work???

    Help! I viewed it when it was first posted but now I can't. Could you let me know if there is a problem with this clip?
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    Cathe, need advice, I'm also injured...

    Hi Cathe, First I want to say I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I can feel your pain and know how frustrating this is for you not to work out. This past weekend, I fractured 2 ribs and in quite some pain. I'm even in more pain because I can't do any of your workouts for a good month...
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    Re: I fractured 2 ribs

    I'm totally bummed. I went to the emergency room this morning with extreme pain on my right side and difficulty breathing. I tripped on my coffee table and fell right into it. After seeing 2 doctors and having some x-rays, I was told that I fractured rib 9 and 10. Doctor said that I...
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    Re: Sinus Problems

    Can anyone tell me what over-the-counter sinus medications they use to help ease sinus headaches and prevent them from happening? I have a terrible sinus headache today and need to go to a party this afternoon. Help!:(
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    High Step Beginner DVD or Body Fusion DVD, which one?

    I already have High Step Advanced DVD and absolutely love it. Besides doing the tricep one-legged dips, I can make it through the whole DVD with no problem. I am interested in purchasing either the High Step Beginner Circuit DVD or the Body Fusion DVD, but not sure which one to purchase...
  11. E

    Re: Scuba Divers?

    Just wondering if anyone is certified to scuba dive. I'm currently taking classes and had my first experience underwater in a pool on Sunday. I was really nervous and wondering if it's gonna get better with experience. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
  12. E

    Re: Different definition in arms?

    Hi Cathe: I posted this question on the open discussion forum and received a few replies but thought I'd ask you. I am noticing that the definition in my left arm is more defined than in my right arm. I am right handed and figured that I would have more definition in my right arm than the...
  13. E

    New products to mprove HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

    Has anyone been taking any products to improve their HGH (Human Growth Hormone). I've been reading about this a lot lately that it will help to keep us younger, improve our energy levels, sex drive and help with insomnia. Some of the supplements I've seen on the internet are so expensive...
  14. E

    Need help sleeping at night!

    Can anyone recommend any supplements to help me get a better night sleep? Thanks Erin
  15. E

    Re: My left arm is more defined than my right?

    Does anyone have the same problem that I do? I was flexing my arm muscles in front of the mirror and noticed that my left arm was more defined than my right arm. Weird thing is that I am a righty and I'm much stronger on my right side. I figured that my right arm would be more defined...
  16. E

    Step Blast Combo #3 - Peg Leg Pivot

    Can you believe I was late to work this morning because I kept reviewing sections in Combo #3 I'm having trouble doing. I can't do the peg leg pivot. Am I crazy, but I was practicing it in my head and trying to do the footwork in my office. I read that Cathe posted how to do this in a...
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    Re: Buying Sneakers in Camden, NJ area.

    Can anyone recommend a inexpensive sneaker store in the Camden, NJ area (ie. Ryka)?
  18. E

    Are you teaching Body Pump on 8/29?

    Hi Cathe: A few months ago, I asked if you would be teaching Body Pump at Four Seasons on 8/29 and I didn't hear back from you. I didn't want to bother you as I know you are very busy with finishing the Body Blast Series. I also realized that you probably couldn't give me a definite answer as...
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    Re: Hydroxycut

    Has anyone tried Hydroxycut by Muscletech and seen any results? Are there any side effects? I read in a few magazines that this product can help with muscle definition and weight loss. Any recommendations on taking this?
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    Re: Taking your class on August 29th

    Hi Cathe: I know it is a long time away, but my husband and I are coming into Camden on 8/29 to see the Kiss and Aerosmith concert and wondering if you're planning on teaching your class at 4:30. I'd love to meet you and take your class. Take care. Erin