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  1. F

    Please Give Me Your Feedback Here

    Thanks for considering us and asking for opinions. I've been working out with you exclusively for 28 years and can't imagine a life without you! I actually passed on the the Lift series because it's just not the type of workout that appeals to me. My favorites are the ones with lots of cardio...
  2. F

    Spin/cycle pretty please

    YES! Can you please tell us if you have any plans for a new Spin DVD?????? I love the ones with a time clock (XTrain Ride and Pedal Power) PLEASE say you will consider a new Spin workout for us!
  3. F

    Ingrown toenail removal recovery time? Anyone know what I can expect?

    I have an ingrown toenail (big toe) and podiatrist says I should have it removed. He said I'll need to "lay off it" for a few weeks....WHAAAAAAT?????? WEEKS??!! Has anyone had this procedure done and if so what was your recovery like? I'm hoping that maybe after 3-4 days I'd at least be able to...
  4. F

    Pre-Order Cathe's New Fit Split Workouts

    Any idea yet on length of each DVD? I always vote for around an hour but I see you say these will be "time efficient workouts". Also, you didn't mention it, but please allow me to put in my pleading request for an abs section!! ;) Thanks and as always looking forward to new Cathe workouts!!
  5. F

    Can't believe I waited so long to try Cathe's SPINNING!

    Thanks to all of you who offered advice and thoughts on Cathe's spinning DVDs. I bought all 4 (have done all of them twice except for Sweat only once but it's up next on my rotation). I became interested in the idea of buying a spin bike due to a nagging foot thing...not any sort of major...
  6. F

    Spin DVDs besides Cathe????

    Besides Cathe's Cycle DVDs, anyone have any recommendations for spinning DVDs that completely follow the beat of the music? I just started at-home-spinning (only have done Pedal Power so far) and find that I prefer to set my pace to the beat of the music and Cathe doesn't always do this. I...
  7. F

    Considering trying Cathe's cycle workouts...HELP!

    Thanks for the recommendation. Will check it out!
  8. F

    Considering trying Cathe's cycle workouts...HELP!

    Thanks Jane for your helpful and thorough reply. I "get" everything you said and think that you may have me ever-closer to making the leap to purchasing a bike. Thanks so much!
  9. F

    Considering trying Cathe's cycle workouts...HELP!

    Die hard 20+ years with Cathe but have never done spinning. Considering adding it to my at-home gym due to its zero-impact-ness. Question about the bikes/tension. I watched the video clips of all of Cathe's cycle DVDs and she mentions "turning up the tension" but do the bikes have a number...
  10. F

    Premixes for Low Impact HiiT One and Two

    Thanks so much for all this info!! Any chance you could put the time for each premix??