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    Is anyone doing the Jan/Feb/March STS/Shock Cardio rotation?

    Hi there! I started Jan 11th and now into my 3rd week. Unfortunately on Sunday my back started to feel a bit iffy. I´ve continued to exercise as don´t think it is anything serious and I feel better afterwards though will skip back and tris tomorrow just to be on the safe side. I´m 50 and...
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    Finally Here !!!!

    Muchas gracias! I´ll try them out!! :D
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    Finally Here !!!!

    Hi Imma, I´ve got the Reebok step too - though now I´ve put it to its lowest setting! Did you order Insanity and Beachbody direct from them? The reason I ask is that I wasn´t sure whether the DVDs would be in European format or not? Also, I have a question unrelated to exercise but to...
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    STS Shock cardio is now landed in Italy

    I´m happy for you too. It´s hard living in Europe and having to wait that bit extra but sure worth the wait. You´ll love it! I started the rotation last week. All the best :D
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    Finally Here !!!!

    :D Hi Imma, I´m so pleased for you. I was just thinking over the weekend about you and whether you had received them. I started Cathe´s 3 month strength/cardio rotation last week. I loved the first 3 DVDs, especially the boxing one. The step for me was something else since I haven´t done it...
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    Madrid, Spain - received order today!!

    Hola Stayfit, ¡Cuanto me alegro que los tienes también! ¡Disfrutalos! :D Feliz año nuevo Jann - The whiskey definitely had a hand in it. Received another package from the US yesterday ;) Imma - ¿Qué tal? ¿Ya los tienes? Espero que sí :)
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    Madrid, Spain - received order today!!

    Hi Debbie, Yeah I´m sure the bottle helped! ;) I´m now going to start STS strength and cardio rotation on Mon 11 - can´t wait! Hi Chiara, hope you get yours this week - ciao :) Hi Imma, ¿Eres Española? Espero que tengas Shock Cardio esta semana. Voy ahora con mi hija para ver la...
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    Madrid, Spain - received order today!!

    Hi all, I can´t believe that I´ve just received my order since this afternoon in Spain is traditionally the start of Big national holiday tomorrow (6 Jan) :D. The postman knocked on my door with the package - normally I have to go and pick them up at the Post Office. It probably helped that I...
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    PDF file Workout card - cannot open or save as

    I´m having problems opening and saving the pdf file on the workout card through the STS option as well as through the calendar. I´ve Internet Explorer 8 if that helps any but when I go to open or save as, it will not open or save as immediately. There are no error messages; it just looks as if...