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    Apple shape and heavy breasted women

    Hello everyone, Which workouts do you recommend for women with the apple shape body? For how long? Rotations? (A lot of fat on upper b) It's very difficult to lose the weight from my upper body because I'm also heavy breasted so I always look heavier than I actually am. Do you have to...
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    Fatburning rotation & ordering dvd's

    Thanx Eunice!;)
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    Fatburning rotation & ordering dvd's

    Hello spyke here, I have the next questions: If I want to speed up my fatburning proces can somebody give me a suggetion how to rotate with Kick max, Drill Max & Bootcamp-ME, how many days and in which order and for how long. Any advice is more than welcome. The next question regards...
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    How to rotate with what I have for now?

    Hi RapidBreath, Thanks for the eating advice also. The leaving out thing is not my most favorite part, but I'll have to go trough it I guess...:o Your losing 5 pounds is maybe easier than the almost 50 pounds I have to loose but it comes down to the same thing, watch my diet! (a little...
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    How to rotate with what I have for now?

    Hi Marcy, Thanks for taking your time to set up a schedule for me and the eating advice. I think this will work for now so I'm good:) Thanks again! Spyke
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    How to rotate with what I have for now?

    Hello Everyone, I'm a newbie and from the Netherlands. I have a few questions about the Cathe workouts and food choices. My weight is 203 pounds (92 kg) and my height is 1.73 cm. It's very obvious that I'm to heavy:) I want to bring it down to 159 pounds. Think that's a safe weight for me...