Search results

  1. pomsR#1

    breast cancer surviver and need help

    I spent almost a year doing chemo and radiation, and now I am on a hormone blocker so I have gained some weight and really out of shape and really need to get back, I did cathe all the time, now I don't even recognize my body, I need help getting back to it, but since I am so sore and achy now...
  2. pomsR#1

    leg muscle pain

    also, to be more specific on my health, I have Chronic kidney disease and stage 3 of that. and I have high blood pressure so I don't know if any of that plays a part in that and also I have suffered sudden weigh gain and still gaining and don't know why, doctors can't find out why that is...
  3. pomsR#1

    leg muscle pain

    my calf will hurt in the morning and my ankles are stiff like the tendons are tight or something, but then through the day they feel fine, I work out and I get 5 minutes in and I have to stop to massage my calf and I have to do that throughout the workout, then after the workout they feel fine...
  4. pomsR#1

    leg muscle pain

    I took time off from working out several years ago, I just got started a year ago but I am having a hard time, I have such bad muscle pain in the calf of my legs, I go slow and don't push it thinking I am just out shape and it will get better in time, but it doesn't, I have talked to doctors and...
  5. pomsR#1

    My Knee

    I finished spin class last Thursday and my knee started to hurt pretty bad, I know I don't have anything wrong with my knee, been to the doctor and he said it is just my knee cap, not much cartilige left under the knee cap, but that day my son took me swimming and after that, my knee felt so...
  6. pomsR#1

    can't lose weight

    15 pounds lost I was going from eating to starving, but now I changed that, I eat healthy foods and cut out most of the sugar because I was having big problem with my blood sugars, but I was still drinking coffee in the morning with creamer and splenda, but it was making my sugars go haywire so...
  7. pomsR#1

    15 pounds and....

    I have lost 15 pounds and injured my knee :( it hurts to walk, I do spin class and had a hard time getting through it, will my knee brace help the impact any? I really don't want to stop working out again and fail at my weight loss, I still need 40 more to go
  8. pomsR#1

    can't lose weight

    Hi Cathe, I have been doing cardio and little weights, mostly spin and rowing maching and some running, but my weight is not budging much, why is my weight not moving much, I do notice my legs and abs are toning up though, the cottage cheese is just about gone,
  9. pomsR#1

    spin class

    I do spin class and the bottom of my right foot hurts so bad for the first 10 minutes of the class. I have put inserts in my shoe and still have pain, I don't want to give this up because I love so much
  10. pomsR#1

    weightloss problems

    I am working out so much but yet my weight will NOT go down a pound!! what could be wrong with me?
  11. pomsR#1

    exercising again

    I don't have room to use cathe step, so I got a gym membership and I do spin class, and I love it, but I can still use Cathe's weight work at home, but I have one problem, my weight is not really going down, I burn 900 cals in the morning with spin class, and i cut out junk food from my diet...
  12. pomsR#1


    I have no idea, I am going to take down ALL my DVD's to see if one of the kids miss placed it, I sure hope so, I wanted to use that one this morning
  13. pomsR#1


    I am so mad right now!!! I went to get my Imax2 and it is gone!!! I am so livid right now!! I have NO money to order new ones! I am just so upset, that one was my fav! and one from Body Blast series is gone, I had that WHOLE series and now one is missing from that one!!!
  14. pomsR#1

    no workout room

    yes it is a kitty, but it was supposed to be animated LOL I am going to kick them out of my space in the morning :p I am so looking forward to working out
  15. pomsR#1

    workout manager?

    never mind I found it trying to figure out how it works now
  16. pomsR#1

    workout manager?

    I am a regular user of Cathe but haven't been to the forums for a long time, I came back and all has changed, and see something about a workout manager? I can't find anything else about it but help topics
  17. pomsR#1

    no workout room

    My daughter and her Boyfriend have been sleeping where I work out and now I don't have any place to workout right now, I hope soon I can get back to working out. till then I ride my bike daily
  18. pomsR#1

    My Wieners

    cute those are so cute dogs!! here is some of my babies
  19. pomsR#1

    I'm Back

    I am back, I worked out regularly to Cathe, but took a lot of time off for knee to heal, well it has healed and I am ready to get back to working out and getting my body back in shape, I am so sad to see how badly I let my self get, I am going to start out very slow though to work my way back to...