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  1. S

    Ripped with HiiT - Bonus Abs

    From this description it seems like there are still some traditional core exercises in the workout, which is great if you like them, but I really don't. I would love to see a pre-mix with just the non-traditional core work; in other words, no situps or crunches. It would also be really helpful...
  2. S

    Calories Burned

    I'm having the same problem. It was updating in Feb and March but now it's not.
  3. S

    Has anyone in Canada received STS yet?

    I'm in Southwestern Ontario too and I got mine on Thursday. I ordered pretty early though. I didn't have any extra fees to pay either.
  4. S

    Just wondering who else is still waiting for STS?

    Got mine too in Ontario! The mail lady came right to the door because she needed a signature. I was still in my jammies at noon because I worked the late shift but I opened the door anyway because I knew what it was. New workouts trump embarrassment.:D
  5. S

    Slanted risers!!! :)

    Thank you for sharing this! I'm waiting for my slanted risers to come in and I had no idea you could do this. I might have figured it out eventually but it's nice to know in advance. Sue
  6. S

    New HBO Series: True Blood

    I love this series too. I had to start reading the books after seeing the first show but I'm getting them from the library so I'm only on the second book. I should wait until after the season is over to read the books because I'm getting confused between them and the show, but I'm too impatient.
  7. S

    Canadian Election

    Figures my first post would be about politics. Hi everybody! I'm not sure how I'm going to vote. It definitely won't be conservative. I think there are still a few lurking former reform party holdouts in that party. If they get in again as a minority I'm not too concerned but if they have a...