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  1. Hermia

    Got my Ripped w HiIT!

    Thank you! =)
  2. Hermia

    Got my Ripped w HiIT!

    I'm in CA as well and mine came in today...yay! Did someone mention a user's guide? was that supposed to come with it?
  3. Hermia


    Do we know how long the preorder lasts?
  4. Hermia

    Collage Video going out of business

    I'm rather sad about Collage going out of business, even though I haven't ordered from them in years. I used to all the time, though, so I guess they've got some nostalgia appeal for me.
  5. Hermia

    Pet Sitters ?

    I definitely think it's best to leave kitties in their home environment. I've never taken my furball Hermia to a kennel because I know she would be miserable the whole time and I couldn't enjoy a trip away from home thinking of her being scared and confused. Not to mention getting her into her...
  6. Hermia

    Super Cuts - Truly Functional

    I did this for the first time last week and loved it. =)
  7. Hermia

    Buying a home (VA loan)

    jeanniem, the last part of what you said with entitlement and the loan amount, I think I'm beginning to understand better. We still haven't met with any prospective lenders in person but from reading on the VA website, I do think we initially misunderstood some aspects of the loan. So basically...
  8. Hermia

    Buying a home (VA loan)

    I was curious if anyone has any experience buying a home with a VA loan (or if anyone has any first time home buying wisdom in general!) Is the loan better than conventional financing? My husband and I are researching and trying to figure things out, but the way we understand some of the...
  9. Hermia

    Need some personal marriage advice...

    I feel that in general maintaining friendships with exes is a bad thing...there may be some situations where it works out for all parties, but I tend to think those are the exceptions (and there are pretty much always exceptions to things). I do feel that in order for a friendship with an ex to...
  10. Hermia

    Let's talk about women health, COREGASm have you heard of this

    lol...this can happen without that captain's chair thingy...
  11. Hermia

    What size do u consider to be skinny?

    It absolutely depends on your bone structure, etc. Not everyone's shoulders are the same width, or their hips, etc. My little sister and I are both size zeros. We're naturally, genetically small boned. We eat. We workout. Both of us have muscle definition; she especially has very toned arms. A...
  12. Hermia

    feel fit wear distracting

    I think 99% of the outfits in Cathe's workouts are super cute, although I didn't care for the sashes. It just seems odd on workout clothes to have a completely extraneous accessory. No big deal, though. Rarely do I see/hear anything in a workout (other than the actual workout) that bugs me...
  13. Hermia

    Meal Planning

    I generally do well with cooking but not with advance planning. I pretty much go to the grocery store for that particular day's meals, which means I go frequently. This would get annoying except with DH's and my schedule, there are at least a couple nights a week he eats at work and/or we just...
  14. Hermia

    Glad I'm not a Hollywood gal

    I think those ladies in the pictures look great, every one of them, especially Emma Watson. Angelina does have some bony wrists on her, but as far as I can tell from this and other pictures, she has a healthy looking body overall. I can't think of any picture I've seen in which she's looked...
  15. Hermia

    Two New Incinerators Coming Soon

    Yayyyyyy! =)
  16. Hermia

    How to define and tone waisline

    Isnt' the "natural waist" considered the part that's the smallest?
  17. Hermia

    Breast Fitness

    Aside from muscle balance (also working the back), wouldn't thorough stretching counter the hunching-over effect? I do yoga a couple days a week or so and there are always lots of up dogs, back bends, etc. Personally, I use a block to do a sort of supported-fish pose at home a lot.
  18. Hermia

    Anyone Ever Try Either of These Cathe Rotations and If So, With What Results?

    Are the Gym Styles and Slow and Heavy more comparable to Meso 2 or 3?
  19. Hermia

    Witch killings

    That makes me sick. And yeah, it's beyond idiotic. Reminds me of this book I read recently set in the time of the Salem witch trials. All these people were being imprisoned in horrible conditions and it apparently never occured to any of their captors that if they were in fact witches escaping...
  20. Hermia

    who quit coffee for green tea?

    Coffee is liquid awesomeness. I cannot imagine not drinking it, but I generally don't drink more than two cups a day and I do drink some tea as well.