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  1. P

    I would like a success story!

    Thanks Gals! I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who responded with great advice. I looked into eating clean and I decided to go for it. What do I have to lose, right??...Expect for all of this extra weight! I'm really excited because I want something that will teach me how to change...
  2. P

    I would like a success story!

    Thanks a bunch! I try to educate myself as much as I can, but I don't have much time to devote to it. I'm married, working full time, very active in church, and active pursuing my dreams and soon I will be back in school. So, I squeeze my research time in when I can. When I go back to school I...
  3. P

    I would like a success story!

    Hello Cathe and all! I've been working out since June of last year. I started walking, then I started doing beginner tapes by the firm, then I started going to the gym and I mostly did the elliptical and weight workouts usually lasted for an hour with 30min. of cardio. Then I...