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    Supporting the troops

    Hi Wendy, I think that is a great idea. I want to thank your husband, and all of those who are serving in our armed forces for his/their service. John in Colorado
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    Injury & frustration - how did you do it, Cathe?

    Hello Jul! I am glad that I might have been some help. I don't know what kind of injury you are suffering from, but if it is disc related, I suggest you see your physician/orthopedic/physical therapist prior to starting Pilates. I automatically assumed you had an injury similar to mine, and...
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    Injury & frustration - how did you do it, Cathe?

    Hello! I am not Cathe, but I certainly can relate to your dilema. I have a herniated disc (l-4, l-5), which caused some horrible back/sciatic pain for me for over a month. I went to physical therapy for 1 month and started Pilates. All I can say is Pilates, Pilates , Pilates. Being a...
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    Foot issue question

    Hello Belinda, I hope this finds your feet doing better. Are you back to your old self after the stretching/treatments/Massage>? Keep up with them even after the pain dissipates! No No! I played back in the 94-95 season. My baseball days are long over with, especially after 2 shoulder...
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    Foot issue question

    Hi Belinda, I didn't want to tie up the forum, but I wanted to know how the foot/feet are doing. It is frustrating, especially in the morning, but it will get better. I wanted to ask you if they still have the baseball team in El Paso the El Paso Diablos? I played for them back in 1995 and...
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    Foot issue question

    I had a bad case of plantar fascitis last spring, and it took about 3months to completely dissipate. The symptoms sound identical to mine. Hopefully the stretches you have doing do the trick. Look into an orthotic for your day time shoes, have your feet rubbed/massaged as much as possible...
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    Foot pain

    Hi, not Cathe again, but came across this from a friend who is suffering from the same condition. He has used orthotics for the past month (However, not in his workout shoes, in his everyday shoes), and went to a running store to get his gait checked, and was fitted with some New Balance shoes...
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    Foot pain

    Hello, Might I recommend some inserts? Possibly "spenko's" or some other reputable brand. Also, try different pairs of socks, some may provide more help then others. Have your husband/friends, etc rub those feet to promote circulation! I must also agree that Cathe has pretty feet (sorry...
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    Disc Herniation and training

    I am familiar with the injection/epidural treatment, and it does offer relief for some. However, I have known others, including my brother, who did not have good results from the procedure. From what they have told me it is an extremely painful/uncomfortable procedure, which masked the pain...
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    Disc Herniation and training

    Hello Lynn, I am sorry to hear that you have had such a difficult time being treated/evaluated. I can certainly see why you would be frustrated, especially when you are competing at the level you are. I assume your trainer meant that she had a complete rupture of the L-4, L-5 disc; Ouch! I...
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    Disc Herniation and training

    Hello Lynn, I hope this finds your training going well. It sounds to me that you may two different injuries you are dealing with, which is fairly common with back/disc problems. The pain in your glute could be associated with you having too tight of piriformis muscle (which extends to the...
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    What surface are you doing them on? Are you barefoot? I find doing them on carpeting with barefeet best. If I am at the gym, I use a mat and usually my shoes keep me from sliding.
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    Disc Herniation and training

    Hello again Lynn, I am 6'5 220 pounds, I have a distinct curve in my lower back (extended butt!) that my family carries on. I don't think that helps with the back, but we are all tall/athletic/ most fairly thin, although I would prefer to be about 215. Does your foot and toe go numb? Or do...
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    soles of my feet hurt!

    Traditional, good old fashioned foot massage. Have your partner work on the soles, connection points to the plantar tendons,pull/stretch the toes after you worked out Let me know what you think. John
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    Disc Herniation and training

    Hello! I'm glad to hear you are training for a figure competition, thats great! Prior to being diagnosed with my herniated disc (l-4, l-5), I was squatting, deadlifting, and doing various olympic style lifts (cleans, clean and press). Due to my familiy history of back problems and poor form...
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    soles of my feet hurt!

    I had a little bout of plantar fascitis a couple of months ago. I used a golf ball and rolled it under the sole of my foot each night and added massage. Yhe problem was remedied in a couple of days. Yo may have a different condition. Find someone to give you a good foot massage after your...
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    Getting back to it after injury

    Hi Steph, Back in May 2006 I was diagnosed with a herniated disc/sciatic pain, which I thought was a glute strain. I went through some vigorous physical therapy, stretching, core strengthening before I went back to my (somewhat) normal routine. While you have a different injury than I...
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    Hi Everyone!

    I hope the new year is treating you well Cathe. Any injuries? Or have you been staying healthy. Hope it is the latter. All my best John
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    Two -a-days training?

    How about spliting weight workouts? Squats and legs in morning, back and biceps in the evening? Any imput? Thanks John
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    Two -a-days training?

    Hi Cathe, I'm wondering whats your take on spliting workouts during the day when possible. For instance, on Friday's, I like to do weight training in the late morning early afternoon. I then do my cardio and stretching/pilates work later in the evening. My energy levels seem better when I...