Search results

  1. S

    How to get to Cathe's gym on Friday 8/8 late afternoon?

    This may have already been covered but I seemed to have missed it. My flight arrives in Philadelphia at 4:42 on Friday, 8/8. I'm expecting to go directly to the hotel to check in, which means I'll probably be ready to go to the gym around 6 or so. How should I get from the hotel to the gym at...
  2. S

    What are your pet peeves?

    The sound of chewing - especially gum. My husband thinks I'm the only person in the world with that pet peeve. I also have a pet peeve about people commenting about the fact that I have chosen to have only one child. I get so many reactions -- sorrow, disapproval, judgement -- it's really...
  3. S

    Who made it - Aug. RT????

    I'm IN!! -Caroline
  4. S

    OK, who's in??

    I'm in! Number 29! Looking forward to meeting everyone! -ck
  5. S

    Who's going on the AUGUST road trip?

    I know where Marlton is. I grew up in Moorestown. I think we played Marlton in lacrosse (which I played in seventh grade). I'm curious to go back because I know the whole area looks a lot different now - the farm I grew up on is all developed now. -ck
  6. S

    Who's going on the AUGUST road trip?

    I am very seriously considering it. I just need to look at the $$$ a little more closely between now and 9 a.m. on Friday. I'll be coming in from San Francisco, but I grew up in south Jersey and Philly, so it's a little bit of a homecoming for me...if I can make it. -Caroline
  7. S

    So whose trying for August?

    I am! Maybe the competition won't be so fierce. Good luck everyone. -ck
  8. S

    Oh, I'm sad. I'm #117

    :( I feel so dumb. For some reason, I FORGOT to log in at exactly 9:00 a.m. (PST) and didn't log in until 9:20. I will definitely be trying for the second RT. This time, I'll set an alarm! I'm so envious of those of you who got in. You're going to have such a great time. -ck
  9. S

    Registration time for other time zones?

    Just to clarify, if registration opens at noon EST, that's 9 a.m. for those of us in the Pacific Time Zone, right? thanks! Caroline
  10. S

    Any success in dealing with knee tendonitis?

    I have a little bit of tendonitis in my right knee. It hurts going down stairs, doing low lunges, one-legged squats and deadlifts, and after a high-impact workout. I've cut back on the high-impact stuff and only do step once a week. And I just don't go as low on the lunges. I LOVE step and...
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    How long is each STS workout?

    I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered before. How long is each STS workout? I want to buy this series for my husband but his workout time is limited -- though I think he could manage an hour every other day. Also, what is the estimated ranges of time for the premixes, i.e. 30 minutes to...
  12. S

    Opinions on Frutein?

    I just bought some Frutein and am using it in my morning smoothie with designer whey, rice milk, fruit and flax seed oil. Does anyone else use this product? I'm wondering if the ingredients list on the can be believed and whether this stuff is actually any good for you. What do you think...
  13. S

    Turbo Jam and/or Yoga Booty Ballet?

    I'm curious about these workouts, but I'm also dubious, since I so rarely find anyone who can replace my beloved Cathe. Has anyone had any fun/success with either YBB or Turbo Jam? I'd probably buy the advanced versions of both. thanks! -Caroline
  14. S

    Intermediate rotations of 30, 45 and 60 minutes?

    Wow! That looks great. Thank you so much! -Caroline
  15. S

    Intermediate rotations of 30, 45 and 60 minutes?

    On weekdays, I workout in the mornings and typically only have time for 30 to 45 minutes. I workout for an hour on the weekends, though. Anyone have a rotation that mixes time lengths and balances cardio and strength-training? thanks! Caroline
  16. S

    Cathe, you are such an inspiration

    I just want to do yet another "shout out" to Cathe! Cathe, you inspire me every day not only in my personal life (to stay healthy!), but in my professional life as well. You are a model of how to conduct yourself with professionalism, grace, humor and class! -Caroline