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  1. H

    Rhythmic L

    Thanks both of you!
  2. H

    Rhythmic L

    Does anyone recall which DVD has the rhythymic L shown/taught for the first time? Thanks!
  3. H

    Need help with binge eating!

    Awesome! I hope you enjoy it. As I'm sure you'll hear at the meeting, the general recommendation for newcomers is to try at least 6 different meetings before making a decision about whether OA is for you. Every meeting is different. Different people with different stories, different...
  4. H

    Need help with binge eating!

    I'm another one who has been helped immensely by Overeater's Anonymous. It's a 12 Step program just like AA, and treats the overeating (or undereating) compulsion like an addiction. You have just taken Step 1 "We admitted that we were powerless over food and that our lives were unmanageable"...
  5. H

    BC question: mini pills?

    Not experienced with the mini-pill, but just thought I would throw out there that I've had a great experience with the sympto-thermal method of natural family planning (NFP). Many people aren't aware that the modern methods of NFP are 99% effective (as good as any other method) without any side...
  6. H

    Help me, I can't loose

    Hi - I lost 35 pounds on an 1800 calorie food plan from my nutritionist while doing 30-45 min of cardio 3-4 times a week with twice a week total body strength training. I'm 5'-8". Now that I'm at maintenance weight my calories have been upped to about 2200 and I do cardio for about 60 minutes...
  7. H

    To eat or not to eat before working out?

    Hi everyone, thanks for sharing what works for you! I ended up emailing my nutritionist, and she advised me to have a starch and a fruit 30 minutes before the workout. For simplicity and quick digestion, I have some low fat Triscuits with 1/2 cup orange juice, and that has been working very...
  8. H

    To eat or not to eat before working out?

    Hi. I'm changing my workout time to first thing in the morning - otherwise with my 2 small children it's too hard to guarantee that the workout will happen! I'd like to do your June 2003 Muscle Strength rotation, which of course starts each workout with strength training then most days adds...
  9. H

    Best Plan for Fat Loss/Muscle Gain w/o Weight Loss?

    Hi Cathe. I could use a bit of advice. I have been losing weight steadily over the last year and recently reached my goal weight of 124. I am a recovering compulsive overeater, so I follow a strict food plan from a nutritionist with weighed and measured meals (1800 calories, including about...