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  1. N

    Reign Over Me

    Hi All, I just rented Reign Over Me last weekend. I have to say that I was pleased. I usually can't stand Adam Sandler either, and would not have rented it if it weren't for Don Cheadle. But you know what? Adam Sandler was actually pretty good; he wasn't playing the annoying character that he...
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    Fake DVD's from Ebay

    ><I was planning on selling my DVD's on ebay.> >I hope some people will consider donating a DVD or two to >their libraries. It's a great way to legally spread the word >on Cathe. I donated Basic Step once I outgrew it to my >library and it has been checked out plenty of times. Of >course...
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    NY Times article: Unhappy Meals

    Thanks, Judy. It was nice of you to provide the link. It took a while to get through the whole article, but I'm glad I took the time to do so. It was quite informative and a great reminder. I especially like how he reminded us that energy bars and the like are "edibile food substances,"...
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    Great observations, Diane. Your attention to detail is amazing. You should be a film critic! A week before the Academy awards I saw Babel with a friend who is visiting from Paris. He and I both agree that it was wonderful. Although, we both agreed, too, that Crash is slightly superior on...
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    Why do some people think weather is so important??

    Hi Reba: I know what you mean. Even though I live in CA, I get annoyed by people's constant comments about the weather. I hope I don't ever come across as one of those rude, weather snobs from CA, and I try to be conscious of this in my daily dealings with others. I hear people all around me...
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    High fructose corn syrup, it's in everything!

    Are folks out there still looking for good, wholesome bread? If so, I'd like to echo a previous post. Try the Ezekiel brand. I buy it at Trader Joe's. They make several different varieties, and right now I have the Organic Flourless Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Bread. Here are the ingredients...
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    Cathe, You are Going to Love this.....

    This is the best series of posts I've ever read!
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    I've tried everything!!!

    Hey there Frustrated2: I live in CA as well, so I happen to know that the workout that airs at 4:00 am, also re-broadcasts daily at 8:00 am. Check it out! Hope that helps.