Why do some people think weather is so important??


FYI - I have friends and family all over the US....in various climates, so I am just curious.........

I admit I find it somewhat offensive that people assume that those of us living in the midwest and colder regions must be so unhappy because the weather here must be so awful....

So here is my question - do we automatically assume that because of the climate someone is living in that they are happier or live a better life??

I know these are all stereotypes, but this does perplex me. I get comments tossed at me often from people living in warm climates that the weather is this or that and its just sooooo perfect implying that where I live is unbearable......it drives me a little nutty.

I find it beautiful to wake up in the morning to fresh snow and a hot cup of coffee and I find it wonderful to wake up to the sound of thunderstorms and refreshing to wake up and the birds are chirping because its going to be beautiful.

Any comments??? thoughts?? I lived in CA for a year and people were so rude - when I told them I was from NE - they thought I had lived on a funny farm and how could anyone live there??? I just laughed and took a big chug of my beer ;)
You mean you don't dream of living in an over priced housing market on a flat, glorified swamp infested with mosquitos, shopping plazas, and grumbling old geezers??? I'm just throwing out an alternative view of what some people consider paradise--no offense intended. I get similar comments living in upstate New York. To each his/her own, but I prefer beautiful mountains and lakes over palm trees any day.
Hi Reba.... I think it has to do with the mindset of the particular region you live in. Here in the south, if the weather forecast even hints at the possibility of snow or ice, the grocery stores are stampeded and milk, bread, bottled water, bread, and batteries are no where to be found! If there is only a dusting of snow, schools close, businesses close or open later... etc... it is a BIG deal when snow hits here. Northern climates put up with this on a more routine basis than we do.

I believe we all look at weather from the perspective of where we are and where we grew up. I personally wouldn't assume though someone is unhappy just because they live in a cold climate but I would not be a happy camper.
I was born and raised in the Chicago area and moved to South Georgia about 18 years ago. When I first moved here people asked me if I went to work when it snowed. They asked why do people live up there when it's so cold. My only answer was that you don't know anything different. For some people it's normal to wear shorts in February and normal for others to wear boots, coats and mittens. I admit that I have asked myself how do people live up there and then realized that I used to live up there!

Living in both climates and in a big city and a small town, I will say that there are plus and minuses to living in both places and the weather plays into that. I would rather deal with a blizzard than a hurricane (I've been through both). I prefer shorts in February but I do miss snowballs fights and making snow angels.

The people that talk to you that way are missing out on the wonders of nature in all forms. I'm glad that I have experienced it all and you should too.
I think people in CA pay a premium for living where there is nice weather... or at least we think we do!!! :7

Also, nothing out here is built for rain or snow, so when it does rain we are much more exposed to it than you are in a climate that gets it every year.

I know it's bizarre, but I think that you can generally live an entire day in the NE without being exposed to the weather-- shopping malls and schools are all indoors. Where I'm from in the CA Bay Area, open schools and open air malls make for really incredibly dreary days... you can't do *anything* without getting wet!!

I think generally, people are happy where they are and are okay with the climate; the only difference is that I think when we in CA imagine living someplace else, we subconsciously assume that the buildings there would be built the same way the buildings are around here... which would make living there uncomfortable, to say the least!

Just my .02.
I have lived in Pa. my whole life and although the snow is pretty, i could do with out it.
Now if it would snow at 50 degrees i would be ok with it. I never liked the cold, i don't skii and i will probably never get used to it.
Then you go ti Calif and have earthquakes, or oaklahoma and the tornados, or the beach and hurricanes. You deal with something everywhere.
Now , although it is pretty in the mountains.... I hate cold.

I don't condone anyone for living anywhere, but since i live in a colder area i am allowed to say i hate it..
May i have another solar flare now, please...
My A** is freezing....

Aka( Storm)

Having lived all over and can definitely I see both sides. I do enjoy knowing, for the most part, that I can pick a weekend any time of the year here in California and it'll be nice - I can do whatever I have planned. I like being able to mountain bike year round, run in shorts and a t-shirt in January....

That being said, I do really miss crisp cool fall days - we don't get them here the same way. I miss the smell and feel of the first true day of spring after a long, hard winter. I so miss the first real snowfall - the peace and serenity of it (unless I'm out driving in it!) and snow days!!! I feel so badly for my kids who don't get to experience those.

But I have to admit, for every comment like that you get, we Californians get a "Oh, I could never live in California because of the earthquakes!" And personally I could never live in Florida or the south as I live in mortal fear of big creepy crawlies... I've been down there - I've see what you folks deal with!! Oh yeah, those pesky hurricanes, too... Each region has it's pro's and cons - fortunately each region has the people who love it.
Reba -

Living in the "frozen tundra" of Wisconsin (what a stereotype), I know what you mean. The winter is not that bad - you know it's coming, you plan for it, you dress for it and deal with it. I enjoy having the 4 seasons (although it seems we never get much of a spring - it goes immediately from winter to summer) so that's 1 reason I live where I do. Most importantly, my FAMILY lives here! :) :)

No area of the country is perfect. People in the south can feel sorry for me today with temps in the single digits but I feel sorry for them when it's too hot to go outside in the summertime. ;-)

I have always lived in the midwest and I find the winters to be terribly dreadful. The cold weather does depress me very much. I hope that in retirement I can afford a winter home in a warm part of the country.


I love the cold weather...for about 1 day. I have lived in Florida for over 30 years and I'm afraid my blood has thinned! I do miss the change of seasons, particularly Autum. It's bloody hot here in Summer but it's bloody cold there in Winter.
Puleez! I live in the chilly NE, and I hate having to deal with the cold weather comments from folks down in TX & FL. Then if they have a hurricane and YOU say anything about that, it's always, "that's the price you pay for living in paradise." Here's a line to throw at them the next time they annoy you with their comments: Warm weather is for wimps!
I think it's funny that this year, in particular, the weather here in Georgia has generally been nicer than where my sis lives in Southern California! They've had some freezing days, and even a brief bout of freezing rain. Here in Georgia, we've had a very mild winter so far, with some pretty beautiful, warm days! We were talking the other day about how it seems that our weather has switched! ;)
Personally, I think Michigan is only a good state to live in during May-Sept; due to the warm weather. Winters are terrible and depressing. I absolutely love outdoor summer sports. Unfortunately, I can't move quite yet (Tennessee) due to having custody of my son. BUT....I hope to be able to move with him this summer. I have family in Tennessee and I know they don't have the snow there!
I live in Southern California, and hopefully am not one of those rude Californians, but yes you can depend on the weather pretty much being the same day in and day out(except for this year). I have always lived here and am itching to move somewhere where there are seasons. I would love to walk outside and see snow on the ground and have my kids play in it. I would love to see the leaves changing colors. My MIL lives in NE and loves the cold weather and having snow. I don't ever give her the business about the cold weather because I know she does love it as do other people, and quite honestly it is beautiful.

Sorry that the weather comments bother some people, I just think that people who make those comments don't really understand. So maybe you should explain to them why you love the cold weather instead of getting annoyed with the comments.

>Here's a line to throw at them the next time they
>annoy you with their comments: Warm weather is for wimps!

Proud wimp checking in here! :p

I hate cold weather, and don't mind admitting that I can't tolerate it. I don't live in "paradise" where it's warm all the time, but when it gets cold here, I'm a HUGE WIMP!
I've lived in MN most of my life, with the exception of 3 years in Florida...

I LOVE having 4 seasons vs. 2 (hurricane and tourist)!...Anyone who complains about flying critters up here needs to go through lovebug/mosquito season down there...I can deal with asian lady beatles anyday compared to roaches...ANY place that's so humid and hot that it rains every afternoon (if it doesn't for a few days, it's a drought) is NOT for me!

MJ in MN
>Anyone who complains about flying critters up here
>needs to go through lovebug/mosquito season down there...
>MJ in MN

HA! MJ you just made me laugh so hard. I lived in FL for a one year period about 10 years ago and otherwise the rest of my life has been in the midwest, St. Louis. I remember those nasty love bugs!! I have to say that I LOVED the Florida weather, but those love bugs were so disgusting!!! For a short period of time I remember that they were literally everywhere. I couldn't drive with my windows down! Or getting out of the swimming pool they would be in the air and just stick to my wet body! Good memories!

It's funny that this question has just come up: just yesterday I was explaining to a co-worker that if it were up to me to design Heaven, it would be quiet, snowy woods where every day, all day, you got to cross-country ski from a little log cabin with a fireplace.

Must be the Norwegian in my blood, but I am one happy campter at Northern latitudes. I've always been a little mystified at people's fascinations with white, sandy beaches and palm trees. They seem so ... dull and just leave me cold. But snow and rain, mild golden sunshine, the sight of glaciers across a bay, mountain tops and icy-cold lakes... now those things fill me with delight and joy. To me they are a paradise far superior to any other climate. I was actually surprised when I became old enough to realize that most people consider Florida a great vacation spot... ("I wondered... "but isn't it hot there?" LOL)
Hi Reba:

I know what you mean. Even though I live in CA, I get annoyed by people's constant comments about the weather. I hope I don't ever come across as one of those rude, weather snobs from CA, and I try to be conscious of this in my daily dealings with others. I hear people all around me, every day, talking about how "great" and "lucky" we are to live here, and in the process they are inadvertantly (or intentionally) insulting folks from ME, WI, NE or wherever.

Why do people have to let what the weather is doing outside affect how they feel on the inside? If it's raining their attitude is like, "Oh boo hoo, it's grey and rainy, I'm depressed, I wish this day would end." But if it's sunny and nice their attitude is, "Life is great, couldn't be better, I love everyone," etc.

Well, I try hard not to let my demeanor be dictated by the weather. Regardless if it's sunny or grey, it shouldn't change who I am, how I feel, or what I project to others.

I live in the Bay Area, about 20 min east of San Francisco. It's not windy and foggy here like in SF; being that it's 20 min inland the weather is what you'd call typically "nice." On a side note, I went to an open house yesterday. I found what would be a perfect little cottage for me: 1200 sq ft, hardwood floors, walking distance to cafes and such. Guess the price? Know what it costs you to live in, quote, "paradise?" $850,000! For 1200 sq ft!

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