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  1. R


    I finally wnt to the doctor and got some Lunesta it was the best sleep I ever had, I woke up refreshed and ready to go. You have to get your rest, maybe you should just get a few samples of that and get a good night sleep. You are accomplishing so much in your schooling be proud of yourself...
  2. R

    I was doing so good

    Thank you for your support.... Today was another scary day for me. I did think again today I can't do this another day, just give me one hour of relief. I am going to contact my doctor tomorrow if I feel like this in the morning. I did tell his nurse the other day I wanted to just jump off a...
  3. R

    I was doing so good

    thanks to you all for your support. today has been another bad day. I do get my 10,000 steps in everyday. I clean the house. I wuld have to walk at night because of my eye, and the evenings are to hetic. today I just wanted to lay in the bed I hurt so bad, but I got alot done today. I have...
  4. R

    I was doing so good

    I was doing so good with my workouts getting definition in my arms lost 15 pounds. Had my schedule M-F. But I had been having a face problem wnt to five dentists had two root canals on the same tooth wnt to a orl surgeon he tooth the tooth out, still no relief. He snt me to a ENT. He said...
  5. R

    How do you fight the winter blahs...

    I find this so interesting I have never heard of this lightbox. When I feel the weather changing, it can just be the leaves blowing. i start to feel different, I get quiet. It's like my body is already preparing for the winter blues before it gets here. I live in Houston, Tx so we maybe...
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    Confessions of a slob

    My house was getting out of control so I had family members come over and help, got everything done. Such a relief, so now I power clean. Everyday I go around the houses straightening everything up. so it does not get out of control. If you do this everyday, or make a schedule everynite...
  7. R

    Jari Love videos

    Has anyone used the Jari Love dvds, I wnt to order get Ripped 1000. Any reviews on this. I have Butts and Guts is it just like that one? she gets great ratings for her dvds.
  8. R

    What do you wear around the house?

    I get up in the morning do my hair, put on my jewelry I have a nose ring so I also match that with my clothes, put on makeup. My husband wants me to look nice when he gets home. But it is hard when I work out in the evening and have so much house work to do. I will tell him sorry I look like...
  9. R

    new dvd not working

    just got my new dvd and it skips, what do I do about it. do they replace them? Been hearing alot about Jari Love Ripped 1000. what kind of workout is it? Is it like Butts and guts?
  10. R

    what should I eat before my workout

    Today was my first day to do Butts and guts, it's a great and tough workout. I started getting the chills and really tired and felt sick. what should I eat before the workout, an hour before? thirty minutes? After the video should I eat a teaspoon of peanut butter? I have had this problem...
  11. R

    The right bands

    thought about that will try thanks for the reply
  12. R

    The right bands

    Cathe uses a 6 ft band in her videos. why are they so hard to find? The fitness stores around here only sale the shorter ones. Any advice on where to get one? It's hard to do the moves right when my band is not long enough... Thanks
  13. R

    butts and guts or gym style legs

    Thanks going to try it Monday, I did a jump rope video yesterday and can barely walk now, tomorrow will probably be worse. And I have tons of yard work to do the next couple of days. I can barely lift my arms from the chest and triceps video. I doubt I will have fun but I can sure use the...
  14. R

    what to do

    I just received High Impact Imax, I ordered 2 high steps for my sister and me. Anyway we tried the DVD and hated it. I just can't do videos like that. It's just to much for me to follow. Can you exchange DVDS are am I stuck with this one. I like the strength videos but I can't follow all...
  15. R

    butts and guts or gym style legs

    I just received both of these are you suppose to do both of them in the same week? Are they like the same videos? Any advice would be helpful thanks? Can I do one every other day?
  16. R

    ARGH!!! Why do I suck so bad???

    what is this X you guys keep talking about???? Where do you order it..
  17. R

    Do you ever take a week off exercising??

    I so know what you mean about people thinking you are obcessed. I needed to loose 15 pounds. before I ate anything I would check the labels on everything. We would have family gatherings and I would not eat the chips and dips or the pizza. I believe when you need to loose weight. You have...
  18. R

    Legs workout what to eat before

    Which type of good carbs would you recommend? I stay at home, but I get up early and don't stop until about 10:00 at night. I have very stressful days. I run around all day trying to get everything done, before my sister comes over for us to workout. Then after the workout I am running...
  19. R

    Legs workout what to eat before

    It is the HardCore series Gym Style Legs, I have Butts and Gutts but have not tried it yet.
  20. R

    Legs workout what to eat before

    Just bought the Legs dvd, I barely made it through the warm up and then lasted another 10 minutes. That is one tough workout. But my question is what should I eat before I do the workout so I can make it through. It's the first time I have seen Cathe sweat during one of her dvd's. I have...